
My First Everest Goal Is A Well Balanced

Decent Essays

My first Everest goal is to be well-balanced. How I plan on doing this is by focusing on my work and worrying about homework. School is my number one priority. In the past school wasn’t my first priority and I was extremely unbalanced. I am going to organize myself better and make sure that I don’t over schedule myself.My second Everest goal is to do better in every subject. Last year wasn’t the best year and the grades that I would have appreciated were not achieved. my last but certainly not least Everest goal is to get involved in my school. My plan is to join many of clubs. Last year I didn’t join any clubs. This year I am going to stick to my goals and achieve them.

I am a Caring learner. I am great at being Caring between my peers and my teachers. I help students with work if they are struggling, and I follow the teacher’s rules. I also listen to my friends when they need someone to talk to. I helping other people learn and understand what it is they are learning. Being Caring carries over to Sports, Too! In Volleyball I am Caring to my teammates as well as my coach. Even though I am trying to beat the other team I still respect them. I love being kind to people.

“Be yourself and you can be anything” I chose this quote because girls in Middle School are so fake. They worry about people judging them. Many girls start worrying about stupid things that don’t matter. Be yourself and you can be anything. I chose this quote to remind me to stay true to myself and not

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