
My Grandpa Research Paper

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My grandpa was a hard working dad and grandparent. He had a lot on his hands and helped his kids get a good education (J. Gonzalez). He was an amazing father and although he didn't have the chance to get an education he made sure his kids got a better education than he did. Although not all my siblings took the opportunity to go to college. (R. Ballesteros). Also was a very helpful dad he would always help out with taking care of my kids and he had such a great impact on them. His life wasn't as easy as some of ours M. Ballesteros). Even though my grandpa didn't go to college he worked hard to make sure that all his children, grandchildren and everybody else to come would have the opportunity to do what he did not (E. Gonzalez). He didn't have much of an education because he was working to help out the family (I. Ballesteros). He raised and cared about all of his children and grandchildren (J. Gonzalez). When he was young he had to work hard a lot, keeping 11 children and had few troubles trying to get what he wanted for himself and his sons (R. Ballesteros). Having so many kids and being so young and finding a way to …show more content…

He wanted each and every kid of his own to do the same. He achieved to bring all of his kids to America so they can start their own life and he helped them start their life (J. Gonzalez). Having to go through so many obstacles and still being a great father must have been hard. We weren't the best children in the world, but he still managed to stick with us threw everything (M. Ballesteros). Knowing that that he didn't have much parenting skills he was able to take care of us properly and we followed his steps with our kids. The impact was knowing that he had so to take care of 11 kids and he successfully got us an education and help us start our own life (R. Ballesteros). I feel like it would be really hard to take care of all his kids and work at the same time (E.

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