
My Greatest Experience

Decent Essays

The greatest experience of my life

Can you recall the greatest experience of your life? Football has been a love of mine since I was a undersized kid. I really grew attached to a team called the Washington Redskins. A lot of my sundays were spent in front of the television gazing as the Redskins put in work. On September 24th my dad came home with pale papers in his rugged hand. He placed the papers in my grip which were tickets to go see the Redskins play the Chiefs in Kansas City on October 2nd.

First off, the excitement I felt rush throughout my body was nothing i’ve ever felt in the time that i've spent on this Earth. It was hard to believe that I was actually going to see the team I watched growing up. One of the best parts about it was going to the loudest stadium in the United States. I knew going into the game that the Kansas City Chiefs were no joke, because they were undefeated on the season at that point.

Secondly, I woke up on the second of October smelling victory, which also smelt like pancakes. I tasted a golden sticky syrup on my puffy pancakes. I had glorious pieces of bacon that tasted like god made them himself. I made sure to get enough food to last me the lengthy excruciating car ride.

Next, it was time for a quick shower so I didn’t smell funky. It was probably one of the quickest showers I have ever taken due to being ready to get on the road for the game. Please don't take points off for this but, I am always curious if teachers read

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