
My High Year : My Senior Year In High School

Decent Essays

It’s my fourth year in High School, and it’s my Senior Year, Class of Twenty-Seventeen. It was going to be a good time of my life because I would be ending this chapter of my life and starting a new one. It was going to be a good year and nothing can get in my way from finishing High School. Thinking back at the beginning of freshman year getting lost, trying to find your way around the new school that you’re at and now we’ve become seniors and only thinking about getting to your first, last day of High School. All you can just think about are doing your senior events during the school year like doing: Senior Field Day, Prom, and especially your Graduation. There’s nothing better than going to your graduation, it only happens once in a life time in High School. Already into half way of the year, students are getting ready making their teams for senior field day. Even though I didn’t participate in senior field day, I still went to go see the games the senior sponsors had planned out and support all of the seniors playing. When my other friends and I got there, we saw so many different variety of teams, also with different kinds of neon color shirts that the teams had on. They had many games like: Dodgeball, Giant Hamster Ball Race, Tug-of-War, etc. When the players got exhausted, hungry, and dehydrated, they would stop at a table where they had food and drinks. The players would rest by sitting down and cooling off. There was a time where a kid got hurt and ended up

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