
My Memories - Original Writing

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Growing up, I was the kid who never wanted to go home. Instead I would spend all my time after school at my friend’s houses until it got dark and I had to be home for bed. My house was never one where you wanted to invite your friends over to. My house was one where you never knew if it was going to be a good night. Or one where you had to tone out the screaming match that my parents were having. Growing up in this type of house was rough. I am thankful that my parents were not physically abusive towards each other or towards me. Though the emotional abuse that we all suffered was just as damaging.

There’s not one time in any of my memories were I have a good memory of my parents and me. All my memories of them are covered in the nightmares that I suffered. Before I was ten years old my dad would travel a lot for work, so I never saw him much. When he came back it wasn’t some romanticized welcome home. Instead it was filled with shouting, sometimes at my mother and sometimes at me. It seemed like my mother and I could never do anything right and my father was sure to point it out. If I came home with a B on my report card I would get yelled at. This yelling wasn’t just the kind where he was upset because he knew I could do better. No, this was him taking a whip to my self-esteem and destroying it. According to him, I was beyond stupid and worse than that I was worthless. This would happen every time he came home. Whether I had straight A’s, or not he would

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