
My Motivation Of Observation Reflection In The Classroom

Decent Essays

I observed a reading lesson during my practicum 2. The teacher, at the beginning of the lesson, showed students what kind the book they will be listening. The teacher read the title of a book, the author’s name, and showed them very colorful illustration pictures. The students liked this book and listened with interest. However, a boy with ADHD did not pay attention from the beginning of the lesson. During the reading time, this student had difficulty with remaining seating at the same position as other students, an attention problem, and inappropriate behavior in the class. Suddenly, this student stood up and walking around the classroom. Most classmates new his behavior and did not paid for him. But, couple students always looked at him and seemed did not listen to the teacher. In my opinion, in this case I would motivate him/her saying that I will reward for good behavior. Also, during the lesson, I will put him/her in front of me until he stops interrupting other students. I also will establish eye contact with all students in my classroom, and especially with ADHD student.
b. Autistic Spectrum Disorder. During the practicum 2 I observed the ASD student. I understood how it is important to modify and adjust the learning environment in the classroom. The teacher, teaching her students, modeled her lessons with special technique and strategies. For example, for the student with autism spectrum disorder gave more choices to do this task. Also, she gave him simply commands. For instance, when all group of students went to the playground, the teacher repeated words, such as: “Line up at the door, or pick up the blue ball”. For student’s efforts, I would provide him with clear instructions and explain everything using simple and clear words, visual guidance helping him to understand, remember, and identify all daily routines and activities.

c. The other difficult problem for me had happened when I observed the student who had a vision problem. The student with visual impairment had the same lessons and activities as other his classmates. Knowing that vision in education program is the main and the same method for all students the teacher created educational methods for student with visual impairment. For

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