
My Nursing Philosophy Of Nursing

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Nursing is a special profession for which person needs to feel dedicated for. Nursing is define in many ways but according to AmericanNurse Association it is “the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, communities, and populations”. When I read that definition it feels like it is all that nursing is about. My nursing philosophy is based in ANA definition. I also would like to add to it compassion, hardworking attitude and love of the profession. When I was writing my nursing philosophy statement in my first semester in Nursing Program I had some good thoughts about health care setting. It was my first time entering nursing but not the first time working in the hospital with sick people. I am physical therapist and sick, hopeless people were always close to my heart. I made the decision to change my profession because I felt that nursing is what is really meant to be my job. I mentioned in my “old” philosophy that being close to people who need help is something which is not easy but helping them gives a lot of satisfaction. Throughout the last three semesters of the program I realize that nursing is hard and responsible job but seeing patient getting better and more comfortable is something that gives nurses a relieve. That satisfaction when you made other person happy is the

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