
My Personal Philosophy: My Life Is My Philosophy

Satisfactory Essays

My life is My Philosophy
In order to define one’s philosophy they must think like a philosopher, but what must one attain to do so? Philosophers tend to be compliant, persuasive, paradoxical, truth-seeking, persistent, authoritative, self-effacing, and inquisitive. In result, I must persistently seek for the truth in my life while maintaining my self-confidence and questioning much of what I believe. Specifically, I am going to focus on Philosophers’ beliefs compared to my own in the four main areas of philosophy: metaphysics, ethic and values, reasoning, and knowledge.
The first of the four main areas that I will focus on will be metaphysics. Metaphysics is the part of philosophy that questions what exists and how we understand what exists. It also is defined as there being a physical world and a mental world. Plato’s divided line expresses his …show more content…

Ethics and values initiate from people’s understanding and abstract thought about complex ideas they retrieve in their life. This can be socially influenced from people’s surroundings, but as one ages they can develop their own ethics and beliefs through questioning their original ones. Socrates was a good example of ethics and values. He strongly believed that he was correct in his preaching and would not give it up even if it meant death for him. Socrates was being tenacious with his beliefs, but did show how much he valued them. He went as far to say that he would want his sons to die if they did not follow the values he has set for them (Plato 12-13). I strongly believe that values and ethics come from thinking about our ideas. We can be influenced by others, however, people tend to believe that influence means agreeing to influencer’s values and ethics, but this is not always true. For example, if one grew up with an alcoholic, they may disagree to the influence and never drink. In the end, knowledge gained from experience is what creates values and

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