
My Personal Philosophy Of Education

Decent Essays

PHILOSOPHY ESSAY 2 I remember my history teacher. He would often chat with me in German before or after class; sometimes helping explain certain nuances of the language. However, I can’t tell you what information we covered that year, let alone if it was American History, or Ancient History. Can you remember anything specific from your history class in high school? My hope is that if I were to teach American History, my students would enjoy coming to class, be able to use what they learned in their own lives, in addition to remembering what was discussed during the course of the year. My philosophy of education is a well-rounded mixture of perennialism, progressivism, social reform, and essentialism. While students need the rigor of math and science, driven in part by knowing they will be tested; I do believe that it is necessary to include instruction in practical knowledge that pertains to a student’s everyday life. Furthermore, I believe that kids are more willing to learn, when they know their teacher cares about them on a personal level. Knowledge is important, but the goal in raising children, or teaching other kids, is for them to become mature adults. However, it is also crucial to help students enter society with an understanding of others. This will help them to be a positive addition to a community. We need well-rounded adults in our society, and I

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