
My Personal Philosophy Of Education

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My philosophy of education is that every student gets an equal opportunity to learn in a safe, comfortable and fostering environment. As I reflect on my teaching and learning principles, I realize that my mission as a teacher is based on the following thoughts: to enhance positive learning, provide equal opportunity to learning to assist closing the education gap and to use evidence based teaching strategies to present concepts in various modalities.
One of the most important challenging elements to enhance positive learning is to make a difference in the lives of students who might have had a bad learning experience. I hope to expose them to new learning skills that will positively change their minds and re-direct them to enjoy learning …show more content…

As an educator I believe that each student should not be deprived from learning. I believe that each child should be treated and have the opportunity to learn equally. One of Plato’s philosophies is that in order for social justice to play out, all social classes need to be in a positive relationship. He also states that all people can be in positive relationships when society gives them equal educational opportunities from a young age and the opportunity to go against each other fairly. Without an equal education there will be situations that are unjust due to the unequal education students have received (Lee, Myungjoon). As a future teacher, I am willing to learn and adapt to different teaching styles according to the environment where I would be teaching and the concepts presented. I want to be the teacher that provides and fulfills students even when the school may lack the funds to do so. My goal is to close the education gap that hinders students’ learning opportunities. For instance, I will take into consideration the student 's’ identity and cultural background by taking the time or opportunity to interact with my students, and ask parents questions about their child’s best learning manners. Also, I will ask for parent volunteers and will give the parents the opportunity to feel and have a say in their children’s education. Gutmann explains, “The state of families, which places educational authority exclusively in the hands of parents, thereby

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