My philosophy of education is that every student gets an equal opportunity to learn in a safe, comfortable and fostering environment. As I reflect on my teaching and learning principles, I realize that my mission as a teacher is based on the following thoughts: to enhance positive learning, provide equal opportunity to learning to assist closing the education gap and to use evidence based teaching strategies to present concepts in various modalities.
One of the most important challenging elements to enhance positive learning is to make a difference in the lives of students who might have had a bad learning experience. I hope to expose them to new learning skills that will positively change their minds and re-direct them to enjoy learning
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As an educator I believe that each student should not be deprived from learning. I believe that each child should be treated and have the opportunity to learn equally. One of Plato’s philosophies is that in order for social justice to play out, all social classes need to be in a positive relationship. He also states that all people can be in positive relationships when society gives them equal educational opportunities from a young age and the opportunity to go against each other fairly. Without an equal education there will be situations that are unjust due to the unequal education students have received (Lee, Myungjoon). As a future teacher, I am willing to learn and adapt to different teaching styles according to the environment where I would be teaching and the concepts presented. I want to be the teacher that provides and fulfills students even when the school may lack the funds to do so. My goal is to close the education gap that hinders students’ learning opportunities. For instance, I will take into consideration the student 's’ identity and cultural background by taking the time or opportunity to interact with my students, and ask parents questions about their child’s best learning manners. Also, I will ask for parent volunteers and will give the parents the opportunity to feel and have a say in their children’s education. Gutmann explains, “The state of families, which places educational authority exclusively in the hands of parents, thereby
It is my sincere hope that every student should look forward to coming into the classroom ready for new adventures and a whole new world of information every day. Education continually brings us new adventures just waiting for us to experience its wonder and possibilities. I believe that students, when presented with a wide variety of interesting lessons, can become interested and motivated in a way that they never have before.
Teaching has been one of the most challenging tasks I’ve ever encountered. Unlike other professions, a teacher doesn’t eventually become an expert in this field. With a continually changing society, teachers are often introduced to new ideas and concepts to improve their teaching practices. Likewise, throughout this course, I was introduced to many different philosophies and philosophers of education. While some of these philosophies confirmed my own philosophy of education, there were also beliefs that differed from my own.
My philosophy of education is that all children have a right to learn and to grow mentally. Each student’s needs should be met and not used against them. I believe all teachers should strive to make a long-lasting impression on each student. I do not want my students growing up and feeling that they didn’t have a single teacher help lead them in the right direction. It is important for me that my classes all include every student and that we all respect each other. Establishing good classroom management is beneficial for both the teacher and the students.
As a teacher, it is important to acknowledge the diversity of students because teachers can be the biggest influence in children 's lives. My career will be affected by the students I teach. I can influence them to change their lives, strive to achieve things they didn 't think they could, and be an advocate for them. Teachers can affect change. My professional philosophy is to provide guidance for students.
I believe that the fundamental goal of teaching is to provide a safe environment that allows students to meet their fullest potential in every aspect of their life. My job as an educator is to meet each child’s unique needs in a way that allows them to feel safe and secure to share ideas and take risks when it comes to their own education. I believe that as a teacher I should act as a guide to students’ learning rather than a dictator to it. I also believe that a child’s natural curiosity should direct their learning and impact what they choose to do. The final aspect that I believe is a must have in the classroom is a respect for all people and things. As a role-model for the students, I must show them how
Learning is a continuous, life-long journey of growth and understanding. Learning is more than just facts and memorization and should occur in a place where students feel comfortable and have the confidence to investigate, inquire and explore in order to reach understand and mastery. Children deserve to learn in a positive environment where they feel safe and respected, where it is okay to make mistakes, as long as working toward improvement is top priority. I will create positive and meaningful relationships with students and take the time to understand their needs. I will strive to guide my teaching and instruction by acknowledging different learning
It is customary that on New Year’s Eve, we make New Year resolution. The fact is that we are making a set of guideline that we want to live by. These are motives that we seek to achieve. In a similar way, teachers live by philosophy. This essay focuses on my personal philosophy of education. It unfolds the function of philosophy in a teacher’s life, my view on the purpose of education, the student teacher- relationship and the philosophy which influences my views expressed. All of these beliefs make up my personal philosophy of education.
Teaching and shaping students young minds is a very important task. There is a lot of responsibilities on the teaching and many challenges that have to be overcome. It is important to me that my students feel
The learning experience should be that of a collective nature where students are able to indiscriminately relate to the information, re-teach the information and have a balanced incorporation of all the learning centers in society; including the home and the church. The goal of this incorporation is to create a balanced learning environment that facilitates holistic development in the young mind. As professionals entrusted with the shaping of young minds, teachers must facilitate learning and personal, spiritual, ethical and academic development. My philosophy for education is a multi-part philosophy that encapsulates the idea of holistic and inclusive learning. The philosophy caters for the overall shaping and development of the young mind and includes aspects of balanced training, incorporated teachings and it generally focuses on training students to become teachers.
I personally believe that education is one of the most important things to achieve in life. No matter what it can never be taken away from you. From my observations and experiences in the classroom each child is unique in his or her own way. Students inside a classroom needs a teacher who will make them feel secure, comfortable and in a stimulating atmosphere. These aspects help to attain growth, mature emotionally, intellectually, physically, and socially. It is my desire as an educator to meet the needs of my students in any way possible, so that they are able to meet their fullest potential in life. Children are the future, so as a teacher I need to take all the necessary steps to get them to their fullest potential. I believe that the teacher should act as a guide, allowing the child's natural curiosity to direct his or her learning, and promoting respect for all people are conductive to establishing productive students of tomorrow.
When understanding education there are many different ways which the purpose of education may be applied and defined. My personal philosophy of education is, 'educators must nurture/guide students within the academic field, to that the aims, goals and results during this task of educating or being educated are achieved '. This philosophy is used to understand that both teachers and students play an integral role in education. Academic performance, classroom methods/practices and also meeting the requirements of both the senior secondary Australian Curriculum Framework and the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers Framework are examples of these roles. This essay will discuss in detail how my personal philosophy of education, reflects on the role of teachers and learners, the aim of education and the methods and practices used in the classroom. Jean Jacques Rousseau, Paulo Freire, Locke, and Plato/Socrates are the four theorists that shall be used within this essay, to support claims and justify statements regarding this philosophy. John Dewey and A.S Neil are two non-supporting theorists that shall be used in contrast to justify this philosophy.
As a future teacher in today’s society and generation, I believe the educational system must accommodate the individual and the diverse needs of each child. Many factors should be thought about when forming a philosophy on education. Factors as far as the increase of single parent families and dual careers, the family structure is changing and this may play a significant part in our students. Furthermore, the issues such as teen pregnancy and drugs and much more, children are facing more complicated issues than they ever had before. A sound philosophy on education must be developed within the framework of social value systems. Our children are our future resources. All children can be guided to become well adjusted, functional and intelligent adults for their own benefit and the benefit for others in society. An educator should motivate and stimulate each child to perform to the best of their ability. Regardless of the various experiences, abilities and needs of the child. Therefore, all children must be well educated and given the opportunity
When asked to write my philosophy of education down on paper, I began thinking how difficult it is to tell someone my exact beliefs because I noticed such a variation in them. There are many things that factor into my philosophy, but throughout life, with new experiences come new beliefs. I have, however, compiled my beliefs about teaching and learning, students, knowledge, and what is worth knowing. These are the beliefs that have shaped me thus far as a student and through my experiences in working in an elementary school. I am sure my beliefs will continue to change and shape my values in my journey of becoming a teacher.
Have you ever had a teacher you really enjoyed? Why did you enjoy him? For most people it is because the teacher interacted with the student and made them feel involved in the learning process. As Carl Jung puts it: “One looks back with appreciation to the brilliant teachers, but with gratitude to those who touched our human feelings. The curriculum is so much necessary raw material, but warmth is the vital element for the growing plant and for the soul of the child.” (para. 249).
I believe the role of school in society is to teach children the knowledge they need to be successful in life. I believe this knowledge includes not only academic skills, but also emotional skills, such as citizenship, responsibility, and manners. I believe that students applying these academic and emotional skills in their lives is the purpose of education. Using this knowledge gained in school will prepare students to become responsible, productive citizens. I teach six and seven-year-old students in my first-grade classroom. I believe that beginning this education at such an early age gives students the opportunity to build these skills and values into a way of life. It is also the responsibility of schools to assure that all students are served well. I believe that the most important way a school can accomplish this is by making sure each child is receiving their education in their least restrictive environment. Not every student is served best in a regular education classroom. For some, their least restrictive environment is in a special education classroom, an alternative learning classroom, or even in remediation small groups. It is up to the schools to determine the correct learning environment, and work with the students’ parents to ensure they receive the best education possible.