
My Personal Philosophy Of Teaching

Decent Essays

My philosophy of teaching is that every child should be treated equal and should have the right to learn and get a good quality education. Every child has the ability to learn. It is my job as a teacher to make sure that every student has a chance to learn while in my classroom. My classroom will be based on multicultural education. This will create an equal learning opportunity for all my students. I will treat all of my students equally and with respect no matter what kind of diversity I may have in my classroom. Also, I believe in making my classroom a safe environment for the students. In order for a child to like school and want to come and learn, they have to feel like the classroom is a safe place. Furthermore, I will make sure my students’ parents play an active role in their education. It is very important that parents are involved in their child’s education. At the beginning of the school year, I will set up a time to meet with the parents so that I can get to know them. At this time, I will give the parents some different strategies on how to help their child with his/her homework. I will send a homework sheet home on Mondays that will have the homework on it for the whole week. The parents will be required to review the homework sheet each day, help their child with the homework for that day, and sign the homework sheet after the work is completed. Also, I will contact the parents on a regular basis for positive comments or any concerns that I may have about

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