
My Personal Preference For My Research Process

Decent Essays

My personal preference for my research process begins by reading the instructions of the assignment thoroughly. This is residual effect of having been tricked once during a test in middle school. During her instructions, the teacher mentioned several times that we need to read the test instructions and all the questions thoroughly before starting. However, as I was concerned with the time allocated for the test, I skimmed through the instructions and began writing. Well, turns out it was a one of those tests that the last question instructed to just write your name in the first page and hand it in. Lesson learned, the hard way of course. Consequently, I always begin every test, project and assignment by reading all the instructions, twice, before I ever begin the task that is being asked of me.
Once I have read the assignment instructions, I would search the terms listed in the question, for this portion of my approach a simple engine search would suffice. I will not to use the results of the search as a basis for my academic writing, but to simply familiarize myself with what is being ask of me. Regardless of the topic, when conducting a general search you can come across current events, that may be relevant or a commemorative event that is taking place to honor someone and their work, and this information can be later incorporated in to the essay as needed.
Depending on how much time we were given for the assignment, I would plan approximately four hours a week at Scott’s

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