
My Personal Statement Of Teaching : My Philosophy Of Education

Decent Essays

There are many reasons why people go into the profession of being a teacher. While the reasons may vary one thing should remain the same with us all and that is our passion for working with children. However, if you do not have the passion to work with children each day then it can be easy for one to burn out. To become a teacher you must not be afraid to inspire and encourage the children that you are teaching. In addition to, if you are constantly tired and exhausted than it is harder for you to be able to motive your students. My philosophy of education is that every child should have the right to learn and receive a quality education while in a safe and inspiring environment
As I stated before, there are many reasons why people become teachers. For me the reason started out very simple. While visiting my grandparents in the summertime I got the opportunity to work at their church summer day camp. It was there that I realized that I truly enjoyed working with children. I would have fun building blocks and reading with the young one’s as well as talking to the older ones about what’s going on in the world and having debates and learning. Years later I got the opportunity to work at daycare and my reason for becoming a teacher began to expand. When I started working a classroom as an assistant I was able to see firsthand what it was really like to watch children learn and actually retain what they learn. Being able to watch each child process what they are learning and

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