
Essay on My Philosophy of Education

Decent Essays

My Philosophy of Education

Why do I want to be a teacher? I have thought long and hard over that question, and my answer is “I don’t know.” My initial thought about going into teaching stemmed from my own experiences. When my son was in school, a teacher gave up on him and said, “he’ll be a dropout.” They will weed him out when he gets to high school. My son is now a junior at West Virginia University. I never want to see another kid be dropped through the cracks or weeded out, when he gets to high school. Children are our greatest assets. Teachers have an obligation to try every avenue with each student until they find one that works. I know that every time I walk into a classroom of students, I get a chill up my …show more content…

I do not agree with a heavy emphasis being put on achievement test scores. More should be emphasized on what the student learned, not what he didn’t learn. Some people do not do well on tests, but are very capable in like aspects in the same field.

A teacher must be a guide to her students. A teacher’s creativity is an asset and is only bound by her imagination. Teachers guide students through all aspects of life and learning. A positive impact with a teacher leaves a lasting positive impression on a child’s mind. A child will carry a negative impact with him the rest of his life. Teachers are the key to children’s future, be it positive or negative. This is a great responsibility, that teachers should not accept light heartedly. Children will experience successes and failures throughout their life. A teacher can help them learn how to handle victory or defeat in a positive way.

I plan on continuing my education, upon graduation. I don’t feel that a person can ever get enough education and with the continuing drive for new programs and better methods, a teacher could fall behind and become obsolete. The professional groups I hope to join will be education related. But, I can’t tell you exactly what I am going to join, until I have heard all the rules, requirements and conditions of joining. Teachers have a great responsibility

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