
My Pursuit Of Change

Decent Essays

In the face of becoming an adult and starting my life, I am constantly questioning what I believe in and what I am most passionate about. How do I want to live my life? How can I live my life to benefit myself and others? What will make me the happiest? The answers to those questions frequently change. A year ago, I thought that graduating in the top of my class would make my life complete and happy. Today, I feel that my goals have changed completely; I still strive to do the best I can in school, but I want more out of life. I am the most passionate I have ever been about being able to change the world. Now the most prominent question I ask myself is, “How do I make change happen?” Just like Bryan Stevenson, I am unsure about the direction of my life at this point (Stevenson 1), but I know that I want to inspire change; I want to see change in the way American’s perceive animals, their health, and the environment.
Change can happen in countless ways. Bryan Stevenson chose to fight for his passion first-hand by challenging the system of injustice. Bryan used his education from law school to bring about change in the government. Bryan started by challenging local courts for appeals so that he could bring justice to wrongly convicted prisoners. He began his journey by fighting …show more content…

I regard leading by example as a great way to inspire change in others. The issues I want to change in America cannot be accomplished completely by fighting or challenging the government. People have to be educated and shown that adjusting the way they live their life will be beneficial. However, changes in government regulations involving the food industry would benefit my idea of a changed America. Unlike Stevenson, I do not see myself taking issues to the Supreme Court myself; I believe that change will happen in the government when the population is open to the tribulations that challenge the

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