THE AGENCY I did my service learning at the Hartley Center, the workforce development location for Goodwill Industries of Greater Grand Rapids. They are located at 3777 Sparks Drive Grand Rapids, MI 49546. Their telephone number is (616) 451-8800. I chose to do my service learning here firstly because I am already a Goodwill employee, and secondly, because I was interested in learning about what actually happens at the Hartley Center. THE MISSION Goodwill’s mission is to change lives and communities through the power of work. Basically, they assist people in finding and keeping employment and address what they call, “barriers to employment.” These barriers include criminal records, employment gaps, and past employment termination. PRIMARY …show more content…
Sometimes this process is recorded for the client’s career coach to view later on. Once the actual interview is over, I critique the client’s answers, expressions, and professionalism. Throughout the interview, I take notes that help me in the critique portion. I give them three positive things they did or said during the interview and three things that could use improvement. After the critique is over, I take my notes with me and my supervisor emails me a blank evaluation sheet usually later that night. This sheet asks me to rate several aspects of the client’s interview and leave comments for their career coach. My second role at the Hartley Center is as a volunteer in the career center. This is a large room with about 20 desktop computers. This position is less rigid than mock interviewing because I basically just do whatever they need me to do. This could be anything from cleaning, helping a person with a job search, proofreading resumes and job applications, or helping someone learn basic internet skills. WHAT I LEARNED One thing I learned from working in the career center is that there are still so many people who do not know even basic computer skills. This was eye opening for me because I grew up with this technology all around me. For me, opening up an internet browser and making a google search is second nature, but for many other people it’s a whole new
Goodwill Industries International, Inc., 2015). The corporation also urges for the preservation of Charitable Deduction. Much of the work done by Goodwill is made possible because of the resources donated by generous Americans. Limiting donations in addition to the BCA expiring will jeopardize the quality of services available. Goodwill also advocates for the enforcement of wage and hour laws, employment opportunity support for the elderly, and partnership promotion in community colleges. Goodwill industries also urges more support directed towards youth mentorships and more job-driven, employer-led, training strategies (Advocate. Goodwill Industries International, Inc.,
When I began my journey with the Human Services Department at Lindsey Wilson College, I only knew one thing – I knew that I wanted to help people. Since I was a young girl, I have had a passion to help others, but passion alone just wasn’t enough. Passion without the understand of how to use it can actually cause more harm than good. This program taught me how to use my passion and my experiences along with education to help others.
A Service Learning project is one of the project requirements to complete the Bachelors of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree through Ferris State University (FSU). My Service Learning experience was completed at the VA Medical Center (VAMC) in November, 2014. This paper includes details of the facility along with the contact information for the coordinator of the project. A description of my role as a volunteer, critical reflection of my experience, and a synthesis of the Service Learning are also included.
This spring semester I had the privilege of completing my service learning hours at Asarese Matters Community Center. I chose to conduct my hours of service at this site because I felt like I could relate to the kids that are experiencing a life of poverty with limited mobility opportunities. Most my time spent there I interacted with a majority of the kids through basketball and competitive activities like billiards, ping pong and talking sports. While observing relationships and interactions between staff and youth that attend the community center I noticed the important role that sport and education played in the life of the children. Using my sociological imagination, I would like to explore the role of sport and the interactions and behaviors that takes place during competitive situations, also the role of education and the kids perception on going to college and using sport and education as a way of succeeding and escaping the concentrated poverty of the Buffalo communities. Using the lived experience that I encountered and knowledge acquired in the past, I will try to piece together a connection and express how the macro level expectations of a community to prosper influences the self esteem,behaviors and attitudes among social groups at the micro level here in the city of Buffalo and at Asarese-Matters community center.
Beginning the interview and skills/techniques used (empathy, rapport building, listening skills, closed-ended questions and open-ended questions, signs of client engagement)
Goodwill Industries are organizations for nonprofit making that provide or render employment, community based programs, placement services, and job training to individuals that cannot access proper education, disabled individuals and the unemployed. A huge network of institutions of retail thrift, that works as organizations of nonprofit organizations, sponsor goodwill industries.
I am now the president of our club and the manager of Wolverine Computer. Not only do I direct our shop's efforts to raise funding for our program and for student certification tests, but I also direct Wolverine Computer's training program. I organize opportunities for students to obtain hands-on, real-world practice in an environment that mimics the IT field realistically. Enabling students to receive work experience while still in high school is crucial to preparing students for a career in technology. In addition to certifications and direct work experience, the program also provides high school students opportunities to practice skills that are certainly needed in the technology field. This includes customer service, public interaction, and teamwork skills while allowing students to demonstrate a professional work ethic. The program and our SkillsUSA club have many facets that require great patience and skill to manage. Our SkillsUSA club has over 60 members and actively promotes IT and STEM at our school. Concurrently, students at Wolverine Computer have put in nearly 200 hours of community service in the fall 2016 semester. The proceeds from this community service have helped dozens of students become IT Fundamentals or A+ CompTIA certified and have given much-needed opportunities to students in La
This service learning course has provided me with an insight to core values and characteristics that pharmacists need to possess to become true health care providers. I volunteered at the St. Louis Crisis Nursery this semester for my community outreach portion. My first trips to the Crisis Nursery were filled with initial prejudices and thoughts about how horrible this situation this was going to be. I remember being terrified to get out of my car to walk up to the building, let alone actually interact with these children and parents. The small town I am from, was not socially or ethnically diverse. I also attended a private school where many people we well off financially and I stayed friends with many of these people when I attended High School. I was reluctant to listen to the parent’s stories or honestly, feel any sense of compassion or empathy for them. I felt that they likely put themselves into the situation and that they could get out of it on their own too. However, as I continued to attend volunteering at the nursery, my outlook changed drastically. I actively engaged with the children and formed relationships within the small amount of time I was there. I talked to the parents and began to feel sorry for the situations they were put into. I actually looked forward to my weekly visits to either play outside, read to, or even be a jungle gym for the children. Empathy is something that cannot be taught, but it can be something one can learn- which is exactly my
Please look for not only edits but be brutal with criticism. Let me know if you think I satisfied this prompt *** when you find a website called grammarphobia
In the beginning, I was not feeling to positive about it because it seem a little unorganized. It took me a minute to get in contact with someone to get my orientation. Once I was able to start volunteering, I was extremely nervous. I had no idea what to expect or even what to do. This is was my first time working first hand with the senior citizen population. As weeks went by, I started to loosen up and became comfortable with everyone in the facility. It also helped that residents were used to having volunteers on a daily basis. The only major problem I had was fitting the service learning placement into my schedule because we cannot volunteer after 5pm. I wish I was able to do this during a different semester because my schedule this semester is really hectic. Other than that, I did enjoy my time at Northwind Rehabilitation and Health Care Center. My service learning placement had a positive influence for my future career path. My career path after graduation is to go into nursing. I will have to interact with all different ages before I can pick the certain position I want to focus on. It help define my career path because I was never fond of working with senior citizens. After being exposed to it, I realized it was not that bad as I thought and that I can definitely work with senior citizens. It made me realize that senior citizens are humans just like us, despite
During my high school career I did not get many opportunities to further my understanding of technology as my school was focusing more sports orientated. But this did not stop me from pursuing my hobbies as I later became a part the unofficial IT administration, working with the head of technology and networking for my school. My job was more of less setup and maintaining WiFi access points in the dormitories and the school or maintaining the computers for the library. On my off time also helped a number of my classmates build their own computers and keep them up-to-date.
There was not much that I was required to do except encourage the youth during the pool time. There were times throughout the internship that I wished I was given more responsibility. However I was glad to learn, and help in any way that I could. That first week I had the opportunity to attend the church board meeting. I witnessed the difference of opinion that some of the church leaders had in regards to time off. Most of the church staff wanted more days off to spend with family. This was one of the primary issues ongoing with the staff at the church. I learned about church politics and the operation of the church.
Goodwill International is a not-for-profit organization whose main objective is to offer job trainings, employment placements, and other community-based projects to individuals with disabilities. The organization also extends its services to veterans who include people who lack the necessary job experience, education, or face challenges in securing employment. The non-profit organization is financed by a chain of retail thrift stores, which also operate as not-for-profit entities in places where they are situated. Goodwill is constituted by a system of 165 community based independent organizations operating in 15 countries, including the United States, Brazil, Venezuela, Uruguay, Panama, and Canada among others. The organization
This project correspond with the Common Core State Standards Technology Skill Scope and Sequence, Demonstrate the ability to use technology for research, critical thinking, decision making, communication, collaboration, creativity and innovation. It also coincides with the Common Core State Standards Technology Skill Scope and Sequence, W6, W10, SL5, SMP 5, RI7 Use a variety of media to present information specific purposes (e.f, reports, research papers, presentations, newsletters, Web sites, podcast, blogs) citing source.
Service Learning is learning through experience to gain sociological observation, concepts, and theories so I decide to do my service learning hours in one of the two high schools that is part of the Oceanside Unified School District. The name of the school is called El Camino High School. El Camino High School is a high school that is located at 400 Rancho Del Oro Drive in Oceanside, California. It has over 3,000 students currently attending. The school’s mascot is the “Wildcat” and their colors are gold and red. El Camino High School is a public school that is part of a system of free public education that is maintained at a public expense for the education of students who are part of that community or district. El Camino High School is a place is a public school where students are coming out of middle school and are