
My Strengths When Writing The Pearl

Decent Essays
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My strengths when writing the pearl, was I had a very clear idea and point of view in the essay and I was straight up to the point with my thesis. I also used decent vocabulary and I was most of the time grammatically correct. My paragraphs were well organized and easy to follow with a sense of direction, like a flowing stream on a river. My creativity was also a big part in my writing I used multiple real life historic events that compared to the role of women in the story “The pearl”. My conclusion was okay in my personal opinion it could use some improvement and practicing however, I still believe I closed the essay on a strong note. My spelling and punctuation was pretty good, some errors here and their but, most of it I corrected and optimized through self editing skills that I am currently learning from this class. Some very obvious weaknesses were, my sense of topic when I was writing during the body paragraphs, I may have skidded off topic as if I started to drift off from the road when driving. I also struggled a lot on having topics for each body paragraph with supporting details; this has always been a challenge for me when writing an essay based on a piece of literature or works of an author. I also lack skill on analyzing a story from the nook and cranny, I sometimes will skip or flat out not even acknowledge a very significant part or role of a story. My structure suffers absolutely horrifically, I lose track so easily when writing, I also tend to write

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