My strengths when writing the pearl, was I had a very clear idea and point of view in the essay and I was straight up to the point with my thesis. I also used decent vocabulary and I was most of the time grammatically correct. My paragraphs were well organized and easy to follow with a sense of direction, like a flowing stream on a river. My creativity was also a big part in my writing I used multiple real life historic events that compared to the role of women in the story “The pearl”. My conclusion was okay in my personal opinion it could use some improvement and practicing however, I still believe I closed the essay on a strong note. My spelling and punctuation was pretty good, some errors here and their but, most of it I corrected and optimized through self editing skills that I am currently learning from this class. Some very obvious weaknesses were, my sense of topic when I was writing during the body paragraphs, I may have skidded off topic as if I started to drift off from the road when driving. I also struggled a lot on having topics for each body paragraph with supporting details; this has always been a challenge for me when writing an essay based on a piece of literature or works of an author. I also lack skill on analyzing a story from the nook and cranny, I sometimes will skip or flat out not even acknowledge a very significant part or role of a story. My structure suffers absolutely horrifically, I lose track so easily when writing, I also tend to write
Furthermore, I think the strength of my essay was my thesis and supporting ideas of the
Considering that I demonstrated proper usage of quotes, and wrote a decent hook that could grab an audience’s attention. Also, I connected every paragraph, so that the paragraphs could be cohesive and understand by the reader. Not only that, I have finally written a thesis statement that was backed up with the quotes. Although, I did notice that my grammar and punctuation were a bit off, and I forgot to describe the fear that females displayed and how it’s seen today in modern society. Which wasn’t too bad; nonetheless, I felt that I needed to improve these two aspects, if I wished to succeed in English
My strengths in the Of Mice and Men essay was my argument and giving equal weight to each point. Each point in my essay had equivalent explanations and quotations/ text evidence. The argument in my piece was also strong and had enough evidence to make sense and be debated. My weaknesses were using an expansive amount of empty words, repetition, and some unsophisticated vocabulary. I also used contractions at times, italicized the title of the story instead of underlining it, and retold the story when I should not have.
I am writing to you concerning my strengths and weaknesses when it comes to writing, reading, and speaking. When it comes to writing, I believe that my weakness is using words appropriately. My strength, however, is my ability to clearly convey my ideas. As for reading, I am not a big fan. Therefore, my weakness would be my lack of motivation to open a book or any sort of reading material for that matter. Whenever I do find the motivation to read, I am usually able to comprehend subject matter easily. When it comes to speaking, I believe that it is my strongest delivery method. I like to talk to others and I am not afraid to voice my opinion. I would have to say that my weakness for speaking would be staying on topic. Needless to say, I have
As I look back, College Composition has improved my writing techniques and skills by directing me through tons of practice with writing, readings, and examples from the textbook, in-class discussions and helped me notice my strengths and weaknesses as an English student. Some of my strengths that can be shown in my previous essays are: my ability to free-write with lots of detail, structuring an essay correctly, constructing a very well organized and detailed essay, and manage time and use it to construct a well- thoughtful essay, my thesis statements in all four of my essays were structured correctly, and also, it can take me less time to come up with a debatable topic for my essay than it did at the beginning of the semester; therefore, I have quite a bunch of weaknesses, it can take me a while to start an essay, still to this day, and I can’t begin to write an essay without completing the introduction paragraph first, every now and then the structure of my sentences can cause a problem and a hard time for the reader to understand what I’m really trying to say, and trying to get my point to come across clearly may be a challenge for me as well; also, I’ve noticed that in my previous essays I had put a few commas in the wrong places or missed some commas in a sentence, I have also misused semi-colons, sometimes I have used the wrong word or phrase in a sentence which has made my sentences really unclear and ending an essay with a conclusion paragraph can take me some time
When I first started English 101, I saw myself as having a few good strengths and a lot of weaknesses as a writer. Some of my strengths included being able to write a good introduction minus the thesis part. I also saw myself as knowing how to write a good conclusion that summarized what I talked about in my essay and being able to understand a article or essay by knowing what the author was talking about. Some of the improvements I saw in my writing thorough out the semester is learning how to write an essay where I can communicate with the audience with my own personal voice. I also feel I improved on knowing how to properly include quotes and how to find good creditable sources to include in my essay and on how to include both sides of a argument in my paper. Another improvement I found in my papers is learning how to revise them and approach each essay. However, there are some items of writing that I believe I improved on but still needs some work. For example, even though I have learned all about the rhetorical appeals and how to determine them in a essay, I still feel as if I do not know how to properly included them in my essay. I also see myself as improving on knowing how to write a thesis but still need work on
I think my greatest strength as a writer is that my sound ideas are always clear. The thesis and the body paragraphs in my essay are always supported by evidences and details from the book. In my essay, I always have a decent beginning and ending.
My weaknesses are greater than my strengths, that’s why I tend to procrastinate my writing assignments. When i actually do my writing assignments I feel as if I could write for hours. I believe one of my strength is coming up with ideas to write about. I believe my life experiences help me get creative to write it down. Another strength of mine is being able to write my writing assignments on time. Some of
A primary strength in my writing is my ability to present a strong argument with clarity and support. Another strength I have in writing is a considerable knowledge of appealing to audiences and I take full advantage of my persuasive nature to create solid arguments. Additionally, I find that my writing is enhanced with an extensive vocabulary and a firm grasp on the English langue. I believe these things, the ability to make a sound argument, a strong capacity to appeal to an audience and firm control of vocabulary and language conventions make me a good
One weakness I have is lack of wordiness, which is evident in my narrative essay. “Over the summer, I went on a trip to Yellowstone, Wyoming with thirty-eight other teenagers” (Narrative 1). In my narrative essay, I struggled with word count, and this sentence is overly wordy and doesn’t get to the point. In some of my essays, I tended to repeat things and put unnecessary details, something I hope to improve on next year. Another weakness I have is mechanical structure, which was not well developed in my persuasive essay. “While some people that use marijuana recreationally end up developing mental illnesses, this is not the case for users of medical marijuana” (Persuasive 3). This sentence is just one example of a time that one of my sentences can sound too clunky and hard to understand. I also have had punctuation and grammar mistakes in many of my essays, which I hope to eliminate next
Some of my weaknesses are in reading and typing. These two areas surprised me quite a bit. I love to read, I read in every chance I get. The other are is way typing, this also surprised my, typing is something that I practice every day. I plan to do more timed reading so I can raise my score. For the typing I plan to write more papers on the computer, so I can gradually get faster at typing. I also learned that people tend to read faster when the
I think self-reflection, or a careful cogitation of one’s personal work, is very important. It will help me think about my strengths and weaknesses in my writing skills and learning process, so that I can improve my weaknesses in the future and become a better writer. I believe, I have many strengths and many weaknesses that can be seen transparently through my drafts, revisions, and final essays, or writings, this semester. My overall strength includes the ability to pick out good examples from articles and the ability to construct good development of my body paragraphs after my revisions. On the other hand, my overall weakness includes having some unclear explanation of thoughts, unclear topic sentences, confusing thesis statements, having undefined terms, difficulties transitioning from one idea to another. I have learned that to have a good essay, I must revise my papers more than once because there are always flaws that can be fixed or improved. My writing process has evolved from having difficulties writing down or explaining my thought process to being able to explain and clarify examples to help support my thesis statement.
Although I was not overly challenged in my last English class, I have several weaknesses as a writer. My biggest weakness is neglecting to ask important questions that could improve my writing. Receiving
This year, with my six essays in hand, I have been able to map out my improvements in my writing. Before this analysis, I was sure my weakness would have been Organization, and my strongest would have been Voice, just like last year. However, things have changed. This year, my weakness in my writing is Conventions and my strength in writing is my Voice. These two things are important, along with the other four traits that I have graded myself on.
First, I would like to say what my areas of strength writing an essay are. The particular essay I have enjoyed writing was project 4. I found my strength within the research. It was an amazing feeling researching information. I chose to write about the death penalty. The reason I wanted to write about it because, I was very curious about the subject. At first I was for the death penalty. After much research I was against the death penalty. It was amazing topic research.