
My Work Experience at a Primary School Essay

Decent Essays

My Work Experience at a Primary School

For my work experience I received a placement at Primary School. It is located in Wyke, Bradford and provides education for children aged three to eleven. I attended High Fernley primary school for two weeks; my work placement began on 27 September and ended on 9 October. Each day I arrived at 8.30amand normally finished at 3.10pm; sometimes I would work slightly longer in order to finish tasks.

I did not attend a pre-placement visit as a result of a delay in confirmation of the placement. Nevertheless, I rang High Fernley as soon as I received confirmation and I spoke to the school administrator, Mrs. Julie Malinder. I introduced myself and thanked …show more content…

Sometimes I found this quite difficult as it involved shouting over large amounts of noise and getting the children's attention but it helped to develop my confidence and communication skills and as the week went on I found this task much easier. Helping children to put their shoes and coats on was another task I did often. I found this easy but sometimes putting 30 pairs of shoes on children was quite tiring. However I enjoyed teaching the children how to tie their laces and fasten their coats as this was quite rewarding and by the end of the week some of them could to these tasks. I also helped the children to learn and revise the alphabet and numbers. I was involved with tasks such as painting, jigsaws, listening exercises and writing. All these helped the children to learn this. I also assisted the children whilst they built houses and models using boxes, glue and card. In addition I worked with the children on the computer helping them to use the mouse, for example, click, drag and move. Also making them draw pictures using the paint software and monitoring how well they did these tasks on the computer. I then collected the printouts and stored them in a folder so that there progress can be monitored. I enjoyed these tasks as they enabled me to get to know the children more whilst having fun. Also I help

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