
My Writing Ritual

Decent Essays

It is eleven o’clock on Sunday night. We had no classes Thursday and Friday and Monday is labor day… I thought it was Saturday. I’m checking MyCourses emails and see the date that I have an essay due at midnight, I run to my room, grab my notebook and start scrambling stuff down. My phone starts ringing. I pick it up. I run to the kitchen, grab some Oreo cookies (my mom follows me because I’m not allowed to eat in my room). She’s yelling at me as she sees all my school stuff laid out, “Why did you wait till the last minute? This is so unlike you!” “I didn't know! I thought it was Saturday!” Environment, Time, Behavior, Enhancing fluency, Reducing Anxiety, increasing power and control, these are all part of your writing ritual. The most important …show more content…

As I said it's eleven on a Sunday night, my assignment is due in an hour and I’m just now starting... This probably will not be my best essay, because I’m not taking the appropriate time I need to work on the assignment, Time comes into play because in writing you not only have timed writing on occasions, but you also have to set aside time to write even just for fun. For me, it takes me a short period of time to write I just have to be in the right pace, focused. For another person writing may be taken place over a course of days to get a piece out. That’s just not me, that's not part of my habits while …show more content…

I just need to be focused, this ties into behavior. When I sat down at the beginning of this essay my phone blew up with a text, a snapchat, and two twitter notifications. Of Course, instantly I go to look and realized I have less than an hour to write this essay up, I need to put my phone away and focus. I do this every time I am doing homework of any kind, it is a routine I’ve found that works for me. This portrays my behavior is bad and distracts me if I can't write this essay. Whether it's Oreo cookies, a phone, your family, its bad behavior. Music, a comfy chair, your quiet place, these are good behaviors, they help you when

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