
Myrtle Mcgee Case Study

Decent Essays

Myrtle McGee is a woman who uses serenity as a form of spiritual guidance through the use of dolls, candles, and other things alike. Myrtle wants to share her inner joy with the rest of her small town of Hasley. Myrtle has very little to no experience running a small business yet she still has a dream of opening a shop that sells peace and joy. Myrtles entire business rests in the hands of herself and her cousin “Moonglow” who also lacks several forms of entrepreneurial skills. These facts help lead to the conclusion of denying her business loan, and below I will explain why. Though the store would be located in a town where the average citizen has an above average disposable income, the idea of selling serenity with a religious attachment to the name is a difficult selling point for any business. Another problem is the fact that she has never ran or owned her own business, which entails proper business decisions, operational skills, judgment calls, and money spending assessments. Her partner in this business, which is her cousin “Moonglow”, also lacks the same amount of skills if not more. Lacking these needed skills can result in stress overload and discouragement. Combined they do not have a proper start up fund, which will mostly end this business quickly, and tarnish a good business opportunity for this town. While candles can be a …show more content…

For one, Myrtle has a passion for this line of work, which normally results in the commitment to make the business successful. Myrtle alone has found true serenity from this type of product line, which may entice others with similar situations to buy into her idea. Also, in this profession, you bring forth true relationships with customers who are always looking for some sort of success story through these materials. In the end, she is more likely to succeed if a proper client base is built prior to the opening of the store. However, these pros do not out way the

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