
Neck Pain Essay

Decent Essays

Although external factors in life seem like a pain in the neck, physical neck pain is real and usually caused by tension. However, if an injury has occurred, you need to see a medical professional as soon as possible. For stress related pains, the usual treatments of OTC pain relievers and alternating application of ice then heat are still considered acceptable treatments. The following are a few points to consider in causes and home remedies for typical neck pain.

Technology Is The Enemy Of Good Posture

All circumstances considered most health-related maladies are a direct result of poor posture, but the good news is that most of the causes are not our fault but rather that of technology. Handheld mobile devices, game machines, laptops and desktop computers cause our heads to hang forward …show more content…

Instead, look at it as doing something different that breaks the monotony of life and in the process, your reward is an enjoyable experience. Start by taking a nice warm shower slightly hotter than skin temperature and wash your hair. The arm motions cause the shoulder and neck muscles to move in different directions and result in helping ease the tension in the neck.

Counter Pressure And Sensations

As an example, if the lower left-hand part of your neck is painfully tensed up, prop your right elbow so that you can lay your forehead on the heel of your hand. In this position, it sends signals to the brain that the neck muscles no longer need to hold up your head. Now you can use the other hand to massage the tense neck muscles to help them relax.

A similar effort of changing sensations often provides relief from tight neck muscles by placing an ice pack on the opposite side of your head, preferably on the area of the sinus cavity. If it is cold enough, the brain redirects its concern and abandons the pain of the neck muscle tension while this position also combines the above counter pressure

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