
Necrotizing Fasciitis Research Papers

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No “if” or “why”, but these bizarre-sounding diseases do exist in our world. Their existence is undeniably shocking in the medical communities as they are indeed rare, odd, and weird.
Necrotizing Fasciitis
Necrotizing Fasciitis (NF) is a severe but rare flesh-eating disease which is believed to be infected by bacteria called Streptococcus pyogenes or group A beta-hemolytic streptococci. This rapidly spreading infection can result in damaged and dead tissue (also known as necrosis).
Elephantiasis …show more content…

They can occasionally hear sharp screaming, non-stop weapon sounds and other explosion-like sounds, causing them to stay in unrest, in a nervous and stressful state. This disease is unimaginably terrible beyond belief.
Human Wolf Syndrome Those who are suffering from this human wolf syndrome do not look normal. There is much hair growing abnormally especially on their faces, making their physical appearance to be similar to a wolf.
Progeria This is a rare medical condition that causes rapid human aging in childhood. This disease is terrible that it makes most children look just like 80-year-old people. Worst still, there is no treatment for progeria and children with progeria have very short lifespans, with most of them only living up to 30

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