
Negative Effects Of Grief

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Grief can cause an individual to experience a list of negative effects, it can completely devastate a person both physically and emotionally. Some individuals might seem like they are healthily handling grief physically, but emotionally that person might be crippled to the point of no return. Several factors can have an effect on the severity of the grief a person is experiencing, these could be how close they are to the person who died, how the person died, and how the people around them grieve. Death can come at anytime, it can be sudden without any warning, one moment they are here and the next they aren't, the suddenness of death can be what really shocks people. If it isn't obvious at this point I have dealt with death in the past, my mother passed away when I was seven years old. I can't say that it hasn't invoked pain upon me, because that's simply not true, but I haven't let this incident completely control my life. …show more content…

It hasn't been easy, I would be lying again if I said there hasn't been times when I wanted to have a break down, but I don't give up that easy. Simply giving up and using my mother’s death as a crutch for not having to do anything in life is not at all what she would have wanted, typing this now seems almost cruel, but I know it's true. Tragedy doesn't define us, it's what we do after the calamity that can be our defining characteristics. I don't want to be known as the kid that got depressed and gave up, the one everyone pities, I want to be the one who stood in the face of adversity and kept

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