
Nerolin Or 2-Naphthalene Lab Report

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In this lab, nerolin, or 2-ethoxynaphthalene, was formed from 2-naphthol using a Williamson ether synthesis. This technique uses an alcohol to form an ether from an alkyl halide through an SN2 reaction. The SN2 reaction is a reaction where a bond in some compound is broken; simultaneously, another bond is being formed on the opposite side from the breaking bond. A substituent is simply replaced by another substituent, except the reaction changes the chirality of the compound. The nerolin formed in this lab is also known as 2-ethoxynaphthalene. This compound is used in many perfumes and gunpowder in order to stabilize the products; it also lowers the rate of evaporation in the perfumes. Nerolin is described as having a strong floral orange

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