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The role of training and development in career progression
A Nestlé case study
Page 1: Introduction
Nestlé UK has been trading as a business since the 1860s. Today, Nestlé is the world’s leading nutrition, health and wellness company. It is a major player within the UK and Irish food industry, employing over 8,000 people across 23 sites. Nestlé produces some of Britain’s best loved brands, such as KIT KAT®, NESCAFÉ®, SMARTIES®, FELIX®, BUXTON MINERAL WATER® and SHREDDIES®.
‘The Academy creates a great world of support for all those involved, graduates and apprentices alike.’
– Mark Thompson, Engineering Apprentice
The food and drinks sector is the largest manufacturing sector in the UK. To ensure the industry attracts outstanding young …show more content…

The information obtained through the job analysis is used to advertise the vacancy. Vacancies are filled through internal or external recruitment. Internal recruitment involves recruiting someone who currently works within the business. The main advantage of internal recruitment is the reduced cost, as the recruitment process is shorter and so less expensive. Another benefit is that the individual is already familiar with and within the business. A problem recruiting internally is that the internal promotion leaves a vacancy to be filled. External recruitment is when a business recruits someone from outside the company. This has the potential to bring new ideas and experience into the company. It can be an expensive process as individuals recruited externally need a longer induction into the company.
When looking to recruit young talent, Nestlé adopted a radical recruitment shift to strengths based recruitment; this enabled them to more easily differentiate between candidates with limited experience by focusing on their potential instead. This means that its roles are analysed and advertised in terms of the strengths required for the job, not competencies. The differences between the two styles of interviewing are shown in the table to the right.

Page 3: Recruitment
Having completed the job analysis, two documents need writing before the job is advertised. The first is the job description.This lists the main

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