In the above article and video, the concept of the FCC voting to cease net neutrality in the upcoming month is discussed. The Federal Communications Commission is the independent branch of the U.S. government, which helps regulate communications via radio, television, and internet. Currently, the FCC has laws and rules set in place governing the existence of a “net neutrality”. New neutrality, also called the Open Internet” is essentially what allows all United States citizens to view and post whatever they please online, without it being blocked or limited by a third party or network provider. However, on December 14th the FCC will be voting on whether or not to “rollback” net neutrality, with chairman Ajit Pai at the helm of the limited internet
These pro Net Neutrality opinions, however, changed as the FCC replaced two members and ultimately voted to repeal Net Neutrality regulations. When the FCC voted to pass the 2015 Open Internet Order, they did so with a 3-2 vote supported by Tom Wheeler, the FCC’s Chairman, Jessica Rosenworcel, and Mignon Clyburn (Selykh). The opposition, Republicans Michael O’Rielly and Ajit Pai, “warned that the FCC was overstepping its authority,” and “solv[ing] a problem that doesn’t exist,” (Selykh). When The FCC later repealed Net Neutrality, Pai had replaced Wheeler as Chairman, and Brendan Carr filled the empty space left behind the wake of Pai’s transition while the other Commissioners stayed (“Leadership”). As a result, the three Republicans, Pai, O’Rielly, and Carr, outnumbered and outvoted the two
Net Neutrality basically gives people the right to be on an open internet. Earlier this year, the FCC adopted net neutrality rules. However, the lawsuit was due to the fact that the US Telecom Association thought they did it by violating administrative law. During the court session, it was debated that the FCC violated the providers first amendment rights about deciding what content to distribute. The FCC attorneys
Throughout the span of 2008-2010, another net neutrality bill was introduced in congress regarding Comcast blocking files but, Comcast sued the FCC saying that the FCC has no authority over their internet service. . The FCC attempted to apply a cease and desist order against Comcast but eventually they canceled it. The outcome of this dispute created an Open Internet Order by Democrat Julius Genachowski (Reardon, 2015). This is very significant because this is what made the net neutrality rules official in the FCC regulation. This order explains that people can access content to the Internet without experiencing blocking or slowing down. In addition, broadband providers have to be clear about their management networks and practices.
Federal Communications Commission, otherwise known as the FCC, voted two-to-one in May of 2017, to begin the tearing down of the net neutrality law (Rushe), that which protected individuals from companies that purposefully slowed down service lanes so as to regulate what was being broadcasted across computers. Chief internet official Ajit Pai at the FCC stated that he believed that the dismantling of the net neutrality laws could pave the way for a more competitive marketplace, that which would “lift ‘heavy-handed’ internet regulations that overly restricted internet providers” (White). The repealing of net neutrality seems to mainly garner approval from big companies, such as Verizon, and more recently, Comcast, companies that would do well by the repealing of such a law. With net neutrality gone companies such as those listed above would be able to, legally, regulate and control what people saw on the internet by slowing down or speeding up lanes depending on the affiliation the company has with that specific website (Finley). However, even with Title II in effect, some companies have found a way to circumvent those rules in order to ‘play favorites’ as it were. For instance, when AT&T customers access the Direct TV’s streaming service they may find that the data extrapolated from the service used did not count towards their current data limit’s (Finley). It is also believed that with no regulations in place regarding net neutrality, companies have the potential of becoming dictators and blocking
"The government has no right monitor our internet use and social media accounts. Net neutrality is “The principle that the internet service providers should enable access to all content and applications regardless of the source, and without favoring or blocking particular products or websites†. If Net neutrality is repealed ten internet providers will be able to limit our access to things. Net neutrality lets people express their voices online . Sources that we once had for free would have to be paid for like Youtube, instagram and many more.
On December 14th, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will vote to replace current rules enforcing net neutrality. Nothing short of an extinction-level event will prevent it. But before we’re resigned to fate, know that while the battle for net neutrality at the FCC may have been lost, the war isn’t even close to being over which sounds kinda scary. Really, the net neutrality fight is simply migrating to a different theater, namely, The US Courts of Appeals. And excluding the possibility of a Supreme Court challenge, the outcome could very well drag on for another year and a half or more.
On 23 April 2014, the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is reported to be considering a new rule that will permit Internet service providers to offer content providers a faster track to send content, thus reversing their earlier position on net neutrality. Municipal broadband could provide a net neutral environment, according to Professor Susan Crawford, a legal and technology
Net Neutrality is the principle that Internet Service provider’s should treat all content on the internet equally. Most people in the United States of America want to keep net neutrality. However, the Federal Communications Commission’s chairman, Ajit Pai, wants to stop net neutrality, so many people are protesting to keep net neutrality. Net neutrality promotes innovation and allows freedom, but is seen as unnecessary by the Federal Communications Commission.
Throughout the last decade, the idea of Net Neutrality has been the topic of many debates. Net Neutrality is the idea that Internet service providers should not be allowed to block their users from any content regardless of its source. The Debate is still continuing in 2017 with the F.C.C planning to repeal Net Neutrality and allow internet providers to completely regulate what their users can see and charge the users extra for “luxuries” such as social media, messaging, email, and music. There are two sides of this argument, one side believes that Net Neutrality should be taken away, while others believe that it is unfair for the Internet providers to have the right to take away the access to any content. Internet providers should not be allowed to control what content one can view when surfing the internet.
The internet is an immense part of everyone’s lives, whether it’s used for work, school, or entertainment and it’s at risk. The federal communications commission (FCC) is planning to end net neutrality, which is a big deal. Net neutrality or open internet is the principle of having free, equal access to the internet, without having to pay or have internet service providers blocking and slowing down websites. For many years, people have been fighting to keep the internet free, and big companies and the FCC have been fighting back. Fighting to keep net neutrality has never been more important than now because the vote to end net neutrality is on December. 14. Fighting to keep net neutrality is important because it allows free access to information, free speech and thought, and it helps businesses.
One of the greatest factors threatening the Internet today is the attempt to dismantle net neutrality. Net neutrality is the idea of an open Internet, one on which people can freely communicate online; some Internet service providers, however, want the right to block or discriminate against any applications or content from which said companies gain no profit. If net neutrality is destroyed, then private corporations have free reign in throttling the sharing of information and of services for their consumers. This would cause private corporations to hold all the business, and we would all become consumers, simply taking what the corporations provide. Not only would this be an assault on the consumer’s right to choose, but this would completely
I believe that the government does have a right to monitor internet content under certain conditions. As of now certain government officials are wanting to take internet freedom away which many believe isn't right. I personally believe that if the government believes and has proof that there is a serious crime happening on the internet then it should be taken care of. If not, then it shouldn’t be much of a problem.
Back in February 2015, there was a debate over what the new set of rules should be for net neutrality and how they should be established and enforced. The debate ended in favor of continuing the use of the rules set back in 2010. Those rules were proposed by Tim Wheeler who is the chairman for the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The Federal Communications Commission or FCC is “an independent group of the United States government which is overseen by Congress that regulates interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite and cable in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and U.S. territories” (FCC). Wheeler’s proposal for the continuation of net neutrality was accepted. In the future, Wheeler said his thought process about the subject had changed and that “the rules didn’t go far enough to preserve true net neutrality” (Reardon). The rules stated that ISPs cannot block users from accessing legal content. ISPs cannot throttle bandwidth or slow down the speed of legal Internet traffic created by their customers. They cannot offer paid prioritization. That means they are prohibited from prioritizing some traffic within their network over other traffic. This rule eliminates the potential for fast lanes. ISPs must follow the Open Internet standard which means users are allowed to go to
First in order to be informed on Net Neutrality we need to understand the history behind it. Since as early as 1926, Net Neutrality has been around, yes you read that right, before the internet, it wasn’t always known as Net Neutrality though. Before the internet was created the beginning of Net Neutrality began in 1926 with the Federal Radio Commission agency, it was later renamed in 1934 to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The Federal Communications Commission only regulated the radio from 1926 to 1969 when it took up its second project which was the internet.
Wheeler did not want Net Neutrality to be imposed, so millions of people was outraged and fought back for their rights. February 4, 2015, Wheeler changed his proposal to giving internet users the strongest protection when surfing the web. Activist who fought for their rights were elated when Wheeler changed his mind and his proposal was approved on February 26, 2015 on Net Neutrality. If Net Neutrality was taken away from the internet user it is as if the government is taking about our freedom of speech. Internet user want to express and expand their minds, and with out Net Neutrality cable and phone companies could block whatever they disagree with. Also, not having Net Neutrality the government can charge fees to other companies who can afford the cost, while other companies may not which can slower the service. This could be the end of the open internet. This is why we have and should stay active when it comes to law going against out natural born