
New Dead Sea Scrolls Cave

Satisfactory Essays

The history article After 60 Years, Archaeologists Find New Dead Sea Scrolls Cave and Uraneck's art article Picasso’s Academic Study of a Cast of a Classical Sculpture(1893-94) and the Sight Size Technique are two distinct displine. However, the studies of Art and History are two discipline that intertwine with culture. With that in mind, their writing styles in an article are similar in terms of information that is displayed, appeal, and credibility. One for example, is that Pruitt and Uraneck start of by defining their topic background like the Dead Sea scrolls or Picasso's art ability. Furthermore, Pruitt and Uraneck display their topic as account that consist of answering of how, when, where, and what. The language used to relay information in their account suggest that the two studies focus on telling a narrative, with outcomes. However, these outcomes are not in a scientific research format, but in paragraph forms. Further suggestion that their intent is not to give results, but to portray the Dead Sea scrolls or Picasso as being extraordinary. …show more content…

The emotions that were given by two articles were primarily in past tense. The past tense gave the related events in a historic context. With this intention, the credibility of the source is not much as in question of articles like mathematics and natural scineces. The use of past tenses for both papers gives Pruitt and Uraneck a stronger reliability than most disciplines. Given these points, Pruitt and Uraneck's article give indication of the similarities of their field. Without the use of past tense or paragraphs the articles would display their theme in a manner of research. Therefore, art and history compare in terms of structure when displaying their

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