
New Orleans: A Historic City

Decent Essays

New Orleans is the largest city in Louisiana, it is located in the southern part of the state, between The Mississippi River and Lake Ponchartrain. New Orleans has belonged to Spain, France, and the United States. It was founded by the French in 1718. New Orleans has about 712 churches in all. It has about 165 city owned parks. New Orleans is famous for its French Quarter, with its mixture of French, Spanish, and native architectural styles. The Mardi Gras is a week of carnival held in New Orleans before the beginning of Lent, it is the most spectacular festival in the U.S. and is a popular tourist attraction. In spite of Hurricane Katrina, the 2006 Mardi Gras was still scheduled to be held. The mayor of New Orleans was named Mitch Landrieu.
The first Europeans that are known to go past the big city of New Orleans were followers of a Spanish soldier named Hernando Cortez. He died on the banks of the Mississippi River in 1543. Later, a French explorer named Robert Cavelier de La Salle had led an expedition from Canada going through the Mississippi state. To make a larger population in new settlement, France had to send prisoners, bonded servants, and slaves, and slaves. Back then in New Orleans French is one of the most popular languages. Also, the history of New Orleans around 1718 defined “Creole” as “a child born in the Spanish Colonies.” New Orleans has a lot of history to it, very exciting too.
There is a tradition that New Orleans has every year and it’s a

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