
New Rehab Programs Should Be Introduced

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Since the start of the Drug War, which was the motion to use more policing in order to end the illicit drug market, the amount of arrests have increased for drug possession. Rehab programs in state and federal prisons have helped people overcome their addiction and relapse. The same way that King Leonidas in the graphic novel, 300, went about his Spartan initiation, it portrays the way a drug addict tries to overcome their addiction. By continuing to arrest people for substance abuse, it makes it harder for someone in need of help to receive it. Therefore new rehab programs should be introduced to help addiction. This helps reduce the amount of people whose lives are ruined because a drug possession charge. Drug possessions arrests have always been abundant in the fight to end the drug trade in the United States. According to FBI data gathered by DrugWar , "of the 1,561,231 arrests for drug law violations in 2014, 83.1% (1,297,384) were for possession of a controlled substance [and of that 83.1% , 39.7% was for Marijuana, 21.5% for non narcotic drugs and 17% for Heroin and/or Cocaine.] Only 16.9% (263,848) were for the sale or manufacturing of a drug [in the United States]."(Drug War Facts) The number of arrests have been constant for the past four years an shows the amount of effort going into drug possession arrests. Due to this alarming number of arrests per year for possession of a controlled substance, society tends to look down on people who use the

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