
News About Complaint of Café de Coral

Decent Essays


Café de Coral is one of the popular restaurants in Hong Kong. However, it also has some customer complaints. In this report, it will talk about one of the case of it. The contents include the background of Café de Coral, the causes of the customer complaint, which elements of procedural and personal sides of customer service were not fulfilled by the concerned service provider. Last one is what would we do to turn the dissatisfied customers to become satisfied ones, or motivate them to become loyal customers.

News content In this article, Miss Tse who ordered a hot pot meal in Cafe de Coral. When she got the meal after twenty minutes, around ten cockroaches run outside from the hot pot. Miss Tse and her family even …show more content…

Firstly, around ten cockroaches run outside from the hot pot. This cause is reflected this Cafe de Coral restaurant in North Point is very dirty. Secondly, the manager did not apologize to Miss Tse. The manager did not respect the customer obviously and Miss Tse so angry about that.

In this case, there are some elements of procedural sides of customer service were not fulfilled by the concerned service provider.
The element of timeliness was not fulfilled. Miss Tse waited twenty minutes for the meal, also not many costumers in this restaurant. The service of this restaurant cannot satisfy the customer expectation. In quick service restaurant, efficient service is essential. Unfortunately, this fast-food restaurant cannot provide a quick service to Miss Tse. There is no reason that this restaurant provide the food slowly. Because the staffs were not busy in that time so they should provide the food in standard time.

The element of anticipation was not fulfilled. Miss Tse felt disgusted after many cockroaches run outside from the hot pot. The manager should apologize to Miss Tse but he or she did not say that. The manager did not be one step ahead of Miss Tse’s needs because Miss Tse expects that the manager apologize to her and helped her to move out the hot pot but the manager did not meet her expectation.

The element of communication was not fulfilled. The manager did not ask Miss Tse some question and try to improve the service. For example, the

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