
Nikki Rhodes Child Development Model

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Nikki Rhodes is a 35 year old married female born female and identifies as female. She was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, and later moved to Williamsburg, VA with her husband and three children. She and her family moved to the state of Virginia in order to care for her parents who were ill. Currently she is a part time associate working in retail at one of the nearest department store and is currently living her husband and their two sons. Nikki’s mood is quite enthusiastic and congruent to the content and has a mostly stable mood. Nikki Rhodes is Oriented x4 and her speech is relaxed and within normal limits. She is neatly groomed, dressed in a white shirt tucked into her navy blue linen pants and gray cardigan, her hair is neatly cut and curled. Rapport with Nikki and the student social worker is becoming easily established through weekly home visiting and being a stable person entering their environment. Nikki follows the appropriate set and has no problem in providing the necessary information pertaining to her concerns of a mother but concerns shown through both of her children’s development. Nikki was referred to Child Developmental Resources in 2013 to address concerns of her first son by their family pediatrician. She is currently seeking services for her second son two …show more content…

As a family consultant in the Early Head Start program the responsibilities focuses on providing home-based services to provide the family information and support so that they become their child’s best educator and prevent future cases of abuse and neglect. Using a parent-coaching model as the agency’s approach, theories of cognition and behavior like cognitive behavioral theory, will guide the intervention process. After assessing two members of the Rhodes family, Nikki and Timothy, the student social worker has decided to use Cognitive Behavioral Theory in order to guide

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