
Non Consequentialist Moral Theory

Decent Essays

Consequentialist moral theory is a branch of ethics which is centered around morality being the result of an outcome of a certain action. The consequence of an action is the premise which defines what is moral and what is immoral. The morality is found in two areas of goods, instrumental goods and intrinsic goods. Instrumental goods are goods that allow us to acquire other goods. Intrinsic goods are goods that have some form of worth in which we desire, but may not lead us to receiving or obtaining more of such goods.
An example of this can be found in theft. A consequentialist would say theft, the act of taking something that is not yours for personal gratification is wrong. This is wrong, because the theft is compromising someone's quality …show more content…

Divine command theory states that our responses to a certain situation should fall in line with what God has commanded. These commandments are the way in which we need to live our lives. If we are to disobey God's commandment, then we are immoral and are unjust with our reaction. If we obey and follow them, then we are moral and …show more content…

The assessment would state, “Would I want someone to steal from me, because I would commit this immoral crime. If I were to answer no, then it would be wrong of me. (2) If my motives are what drives me to commit this act, would it be right or just for someone else to do this for the same reason. If the answer is yes to both then the action is moral, however if “no” is applied then this is immoral. The use of “I” and “what if they” are how one is able to rationalise the situation.
In regards to sexual ethics, a consequentialist would affirm that sexual actions are good, however they are bad when a child is involved. This is due to the effects that the child would undergo during and after the act. The consequentialist would determine this by assessing the outcome of the parties that would be affected. The parties would be parents and relatives of that child.
Kantism states that sexual acts that are done in the spirit of using people as a means or an object is grounds for immorality. This may look like coercion, deception and physical means of forcing sexual acts onto another person. In the workplace, it too is wrong to blackmail or require a worker sexual favors to keep their employment due to points (1) and (2) being infringed upon. However, if two people have an agreement on the terms and conditions of the sexual act it is moral. This is because both parties are acting

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