
Notes On Self Determination Psychology

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Self Determination Psychology Dillan Watts Chapman University Self-Determination Psychology In 1874, Charles Darwin first stated human beings principal motives were based upon survival and reproduction. Emotions are often interrelated fluctuating human behavior, confirming motives are more than just biological responses (Yake and Patry, 2014). A broad way to classify motives is in two categories: deficiency and learned motives. Some psychologists distinguish this through motivated reasoning and rationality. Biological motives ensure survival and reproduction; Social motives are traditionally learned motives to satisfy personal expectations according a wide range of factor from morals to cultural backgrounds. The actions completed to remain committed are critical factors to shaping one’s personality, allowing differential elements of a person (Mayer, 2005). Human nature can be either passive or active, functioning more than just biological attributes. Deci and Ryan (1985) relate autonomy the key motive to self-determination. The Self-Determination Theory (SDT) identifies essential developmental tendencies— the need for competence, relatedness and autonomy. Humans are driven for personality development and social empowerment. The digression of the way SDT works result in three outcomes. First, human tendencies tend to support learning and creativity, where we decide to hone in on specific skills to sharpen. Then we analysis how society will approach the external

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