
Why Autonomy Is Important

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Autonomy is defined as “the ability to draw on internal resources; independence from familial and societal influences” (Hales, page 30). There are many aspects to autonomy including identity, social networks, personal space, interests and opinions ( Making autonomy a priority in one’s life is important not only for your own growth and independence, but for your own mental well-being. People who excel in their own autonomy are more likely to be able to overcome challenges with a positive attitude.
Practicing autonomy is important in just about every aspect of life: the work place, classroom, romantic relationships, healthcare and family life. There are definitely people who make it easier to be autonomous and there are those who make it much more difficult. Those who …show more content…

They may ask the opinions of others, but ultimately are not persuaded by their response and will make their own conclusions. Helping kids develop autonomy is important so “they are capable to solve problems and make the right decisions when you are not around” ( Nadine Deshcheneaux states that there are many things parents can do to encourage autonomy in children. For instance, challenging and guiding children to make their own decisions and allowing them to take responsibility for an incorrect choice (which is bound to happen). As a parent of older teenagers, I hope that I have done my job well and given my children the ability go out in the world and not be afraid to be their own person, regardless of what others think. However, there are those times when, even though they want to make their own choices, peer pressure takes over and they end up following the crowd. Hopefully, they will recognize their error and be able to correct it if given the same opportunity in the

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