The fig.3 and 4 above is a simulated result showing the red is return loss (S11) and blue is insertion loss (S21) obtained for model. Figure 4 shows the reflection and transmission factor measured for the range 1 GHz to 4GHz. This result gives that the bandpass characteristics are valid for a wide range of EM spectrum for communication. In order to get detailed characteristics in the neighborhood of 2.45 GHz, Figure 4 gives more information needed to the measurement results. With the 3 dB boundary, we get about 260 MHz bandwidth, and insertion loss of -4.3 dB, with parametric dimension as given in Table.1. Table1- Comparision table of coupling gap As shown from table.1, if the resonator gap between two parallel couple microstrips transmission lines is small then the …show more content…
It shows that where the current is minimum & maximum. The red colours indicates current is maximum along the all resonators. 4. Conclusion The simulation result exactly shows better insertion loss and return loss curves which define the characteristics of a bandpass filter which operates at 2.45GHz. The pass-band of the filter is fine and free from noise disturbances such as higher order harmonics, ripples, EMI etc. One of the techniques for BPF designing has been presented here. By varying the resonator length from 30mm - 34mm, but get better result at the 32mm as it gives much more enhanced bandwidth response over it.The resonator width also concurrently varied by length from 0.6mm – 1.0mm, but get better result at 0.8mm width as it improves the more bandwidth. The proposed filter is an efficient, high-performance and flexible filter. Because of frequency selective nature of BPF, it is used mainly in reception device for electromagnetic interference reduction. Also the nearer frequency channels are separate out by proper filtering at particular frequency
Among numerous choices, it is the most simple and result oriented approach. After selecting the resonant mode, it is the resonator’s dielectric constant value and its aspect ratio (a/h) that define the obtainable bandwidth. In simple geometric shapes such as cylindrical DRAs the smallest possible εr value makes Q-factor low which as a consequence results in wider bandwidth [34].
The upper sideband is fc +FM where fc is the carrier frequency and FM is the modulation (audio) frequency .The lower sideband is fc – FM. The total bandwidth is 2*FM
Lastly in section (C), path loss exponents are same as that of section (B) but the distance from transmitter and receiver are varied for individual value of path loss exponent. From the graph, it shows us that for n=2, the distance of reduced output power is in the range from 0.1 to 1.5km, similarly for n=3 it is in the range of 1.5 to 2.5 km, and for n=4 it is from 2.5 to
The band pass FIR digital filter has been analysed with hanning window by using FDA tool in the MATLAB. The cut off frequency has been estimated by using nn tool.
In the recent years, progress in computational and experimental millimeter-wave electronics has identify the millimeter-wave (MmW) frequency band as highly promising for a number of high-resolution and high-speed wireless systems [1]–[6]. In specific, the unlicensed 57–64 GHz band is of strong interest for high data rate Gbps
Table 5.5 Comparison of mean square error using FFBP and RBF neural network algorithms used for cut off frequency calculation of band pass FIR digital filter with kaiser window
The narrow bandwidth are available from the printed microstrip patches are the major handicap factor which limits the widespread application of these classes of the antennas. Several techniques for the bandwidth widening of the microstrip antennas had been reported in the literature, such has the use of the thick substrates and the multiple dielectric resonator. In all these cases the impedance bandwidth are found to be less than the 10%. The usage of shorting pins and the high dielectric constant substrate and the superstrates could be used to reduce the antenna size, but in these cases the bandwidth are found to be very narrow in the nature. Recently, the T-probe-fed patch antenna used to enhance the impedance bandwidth up to the 40% were reported, however, it is the overall system that are highly complex and bulky.
When the filling material is homogenous ieε1=ε2=2ε0 the patch has its resonance at f=w/2π=2.12GHz.However loading patch with an ENG material can reduce the resonance frequency in principle without limits.When permittivity ε2=-2ε0,the rasonsnce frequency may be made arbitrarily low.The value of plasma frequency
The characteristics are expressed either by time domain impulse response h(t,ϴtx,Ѱtx) or by the frequency domain transfer function H(f,ϴtx,Ѱtx) . thye dispersion of an antenna can be analysed by regarding the analytic impulse response, which is calculated by Hilbert transform.
One solution for multi frequency operation is to design different antennas for each frequency, results in bulky structure and the mutual coupling between different feed elements will become a problem. Stack structure is the solution to achieve multiple band operation with
There are several substrate materials that can be used for fabrication antenna. Some of them are low cost while the others are highly expensive. Each substrate being used has its own advantages and disadvantages. The dielectric of each substrate plays an important role in the
In this paper, they have developed a dual frequency printed dipole rectenna for the wireless power transmission at 2.45 & 5.8 GHz. For operating at dual band, a novel uniplanar printed dipole antenna is created using a coupling method. In this combination of low pass filter and bandstop filters effectively blocked the higher order harmonic re-radiations [11].
In this work, we consider an eNB with Ne antennas and K UEs with Nr antennas operating in FD mode (fig.1). For the proposed architecture shown in Fig.2 and Fig.3 for eNB and UE respectively, the Analog and Digital SIC unit, includes analog and digital cancellation stages described in [10,11] for implementing SIC.
3.1.2 Active Filters: It inject equal and opposite harmonics onto the power system to cancel those generated by other equipment. Remarkable advances in the field of power electronics had sparked interest in APF for harmonic distortion mitigation. The basic technology of APF is to use power electronics technologies to produce the harmonic current components such that the source will supply only the fundamental part of
varies as d−γ, where d is the transmission distance and γ is the path loss exponent [36–38]. In other words,