
Essay Number One Technology Company, Cisco

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Cisco incorporated has grown significantly over the years, since its inception and has established itself as the number one technology company throughout the industry. Initially Cisco started as manufacturers of modems and routers and has expanded its scope over the years. This paper will attempt to address Cisco’s operations and strategies in foreign markets it will also delve into the strengths, weaknesses and threats in the political, legal and economic environment in which it operates.
Cisco incorporation operates in geographic regions of the Americas, Asia, and Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. Bateman and Snell (2011) postulates that the geographic arrangement helps the company to place its people close to its customers so there …show more content…

Cisco’s Organization initially had three customer types, large corporations, small businesses and telecom service providers. Throughout the organization engineers and sales personnel were organized into groups that concentrate on one type of customer, such as telecom service providers. The new structure reorganizes the company around technology groups such as wireless, storage and optical instead of focusing on the types of customers. According to Orman (2001) “Cisco’s focus is on the types of networking technology, allowing the company to spread its innovations to different products more easily and save money.”
Cisco has established itself as the leading provider of hardware for the routing and switching systems that link computers together on the Internet and in wired networks. Thanks to Cisco’s hardware, individuals and companies today can collaborate and communicate in ways never thought possible by many. Cisco, an organization that has gone through years of rapid expansion is currently struggling to identify and seize new business opportunities (Bateman, T. S., & Snell, S. A. 2011).
CEO, John Chambers thinks that “the way employees are organized in departments, divisions, and councils plays a role in how fast and effectively they can seize new opportunities”. Although Cisco continues to be the market leader in its major product areas, its share have been reduced significantly over the years. Many of Cisco’s key executives left Cisco for positions in other

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