
Nurse Delegation Essay

Decent Essays

Delegation is transferring to a competent individual the authority to perform a selected nursing task in a selected situation. (The National Council of State Boards in Nursing, 1995). Registered nurse may delegate a task or elements of care within her scope of practice, and the delegation may be made to a licensed practical nurse or nursing assistant. The Nurse Practice Act regulates and provides the requirements for legal delegation (Neumann, 2010). Nurses accountable for the nursing processes and outcomes of patient care, and can’t delegate it. They are the team leaders, which requires management and delegation skills. Delegation is one of the crucial aspect in effective teamwork; therefore, it is very important for nurses to lean and improve their delegation skills. To delegate successfully nurses need to follow five main rights of delegation:
• The right task.
• The right circumstances.
• The right person.
• The right directions/communication.
• The …show more content…

Some nurses lack self-confidence and trust, the other ones consider it more time consuming; therefore, they prefer to carry out tasks themselves. It is not easy to delegate, it is difficult leadership skill. However, to maintain high quality of care nurses must delegate routinely and effectively. Delegation is a skill that can be and needs to be learned. There is not a lot of studies were done on delegation. Nordic Journal of Nursing Research & Clinical Studies published artic about delegation which was based on study conducted in 2005. According to Kærnested and Bragadóttir, “The purpose of this study was to identify the attitudes of registered nurses (RNs) towards delegation, their preparedness to delegate effectively, and to determine whether attitude and preparedness are related to age, experience, education in delegation, workload, and job satisfaction”. The participants of this study were RNs from five acute care medical

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