
Obesity : A Growing Factor Essay

Decent Essays

Obesity is a growing factor in the United States. Data confirms that there is an increase in fast food dining facilities across the United States as well as a decrease in nutritional information. Without an immediate change in this trend, obesity among young adults, specifically college students, will continue to transcend. Colleges and universities should start providing healthier food options for students to choose from, propose exceptional living and lifestyle coaching for students, and require general promotion of healthy living across the campus. Accordingly, the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) should offer healthier food choices for students, require healthy lifestyle information classes, and promote the University Fitness Center more often. Healthier students are superior learners and data claims that this can lead to a more successful life for those students (Basch 593-598). The transition from adolescence to adulthood can be difficult. With this upheaval, young adults begin composing independent decisions, such as, determining what food they desire to eat. According to the College and University Consumer Trend Report, there are nearly 16 million college students and the variety of healthy food only satisfies 28% of them. Furthermore, 44% of college students surveyed in this report claimed that their school’s dining program influenced their choice of school. In actuality, students do care about the food offered at each school they hope to attend (College

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