
Obesity: A Growing Problem In The United States

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Sobrepena 1

Keith Sobrepena

Professor Kathy Lawler

English 103

December 17 2015

The problems with Obesity

Obesity has turned into one of the biggest problems in the United States. Over the last few

decades the number of obesity cases has risen to a dangerous number. According to the Centers of

Disease control and Prevention (CDC)” More than one-third (34.9% or 78.6 million) of U.S. adults are

obese “(CDC). Seeing this number is shocking and reinforces that notion that this is not an ordinary

problem but a growing disease. The United States identifies itself as a world power and a nation of

wealth but is still struggling with something fixable in obesity. With so many medical advancement

something as simple as this is devastating …show more content…

Since the United States lifestyle is on the go the United States

is blessed with things such as fast food and ordering this over the phone. Foods that are

convenient such as Hot Pockets or anything needed to be microwaved are often unhealthy. People

today are gravitating to these foods which while convenient will eventually lead to obesity. Obesity is

a huge epidemic that is caused by several factors such as fast food, technology, and lack of clear plans

from parents and schools, which can be solved by Limiting advertisements on fast food and having

parents and teachers educate kids on the importance of eating healthy as well as the importance of

exercise. According to the International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences “obesity is the results

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from chronic energy intake that exceeds energy expenditure and is characterized by “excessive” body

fat” ( International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, pg 4). What this essentially means is that for

every food you consume, energy must be matched to remain the same weight. When food …show more content…

Many of the times parents ignore the actual problem and sometimes even encourage it.

According to Ana C Lindsay,, who conducted research on the role of parents in childhood obesity,

“Parents serve as models and reinforce and support the acquisition and maintenance of eating and

exercise behaviors” (Lindsay et al, pg 170). Children often look up to their parents for guidance and

advice. They look at what their parents are doing and often mimic it. So what the parents eat and do is

important in a child's development. If they see the parents eating junk food, the child will most likely

do the same. Parents are also in charge of what their kids eat. Whatever the parents buy for their

children will often show their health. Since parents are often busy, they often go to fast food which is a

big contributor to obesity. What parents feed their children early in their lives can have a huge impact

later on. Ana C Lindsay states”when parents provide early exposure to nutritious foods, even fruits and

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vegetables, children like and eat more of such foods” (Lindsay et al, pg 171 ). Letting children be

exposed to healthy and nutritious food reduces the chance of

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