
Obesity : A Major Contributory Factor For Obesity

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1.1. Health behaviour and obesity
Obesity is a health condition which can be prevented by promoting healthy behaviors (WHO, 2003). Obesity involves a multifaceted connections between genetic and hormonal factors and social and environmental influences. For an instance sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy dietary patterns and socioeconomic status are factors which promote obesity and overweight. Evolution of nutrition as a result of urbanization is a major contributory factor for the obesity epidemic in the world (Chan and Woo, 2010). Abundant evidence suggests that changes of the dietary patterns such as consumption of energy dense diet, greater amount of saturated fat intake and added sugars are the leading causes for obesity (WHO, 2003; Chan and Woo, 2010). These eating patterns are linked with less physical activities and studies shown that less physical activities is a major contributory factor for obesity (Chan and Woo, 2010).

1.2. strengths and limitations
These theories have noticeable strengths and limitations. One of the greatest strengths of the health behavior approach is improving healthy behaviors of individuals as the name implies. Promotion of healthy behaviors is very important for communities and individuals to reduce or eradicate public health issues. The core of the above explained HBM, TTM, SCT and SEM is to promote healthy behaviors. For an example, if we are planning to reduce overweight/obesity among adults using HBM, we can explain the severity of the

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