
Obesity Is A Global Problem

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Over the past decade, increasing numbers of Americans, as well as people worldwide, have jumped on the low-carb bandwagon. With thirty one (31) percent of its people being obese, the United States has become the country with the highest rate of obesity in the world. Obesity is a global problem and has become a crucial epidemic, affecting an estimated ten percent children across the world with a significant likelihood of having multiple risk factors and a variety of other co-morbidities before or during early adulthood (Lobstein, 2004). The world especially America is clearly in crisis due to the continuously rise of obesity in an alarming rate. Obesity is a global prevalence, there are physical, psychological, social, economic, environmental, and biological influences on obesity, with prevention the only possible solution. Childhood obesity is on the rise, and it is important to educate and inform parents about the causes and how can prevention be possible. The imbalance of calories consumed and calories used can result from the influences of a number of factors including genetic, behavioral, and environmental factors. Unless there is a broad cultural, behavioral, physical, and environmental change among people regarding diet and exercise in America, obesity rates will most likely continue to rise. Now a day, we do not even wonder that why children are not spending time running and playing outside anymore, the reason is that because they are inside in front of the TV,

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