
Obstacles Don T Have To Stop You Essay

Decent Essays

Michael Jordan once said, "Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it." This quote is a quality example of being optimistic. I look at this quote and see, if anyone is ever negative and doubtful of an idea or a challenge, they should rethink they're situation, look at the positive side of it and conquer their challenge. There are many fancy, lengthy definitions to describe optimism, but it is very simple. Being optimistic is being positive. Simple as that people.
Many people don’t realize that optimism has many of benefits, and success is one of them. Lebron James, one of the best basketball players in the NBA, grew up in poverty. His mom was 16 when he was born, and his dad was an ex-con that didn’t want to be parent. Lebron and his mom never had a solid home as a kid. Gloria James, his mother, jumped from job to job to try to provide for her son. When James was 9, he moved in with his football coach because he did not have a steady environment with his mom. Just imagine, being in 5th grade and moving away from your mom and living with your football coach. Through all of his troubles, Lebron James grew up and went to a good …show more content…

There is a really unchallenging way to not stress and that is to be optimistic. Hundreds of studies have shown that being optimistic reduces stress, significantly. My brother, Tanner, has always been a stressful person. He stresses about school, sports, friends, and especially his girlfriend Nicole. Just recently, I talked to him about optimism and how it can increase you health and reduce your stress. Tanner has been beginning to have a positive state of mind and, as a matter of fact, he has been worrying much less about his grades and everything else he used to be stressed about. This is just one of many examples to prove that optimism can and will reduce your

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