
On-line classes advantages

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Education should be open for any person doesn´t matter their origin, economic status or personal preferences. With this idea I believe that online classes are the best way to learn because it can take in anyplace, free lo learn and a minimum resources, that’s why I agree with distance learning and online computer classes should replace classroom learning. In the last years with the growing technologies and communications facilities take distance classes has become an practice method lo learn, any specific class can be taking from any place in the world wide only with the correct computer and internet connection these give you the opportunity to learn about topics that in other way it could be difficult or impossible to take. These …show more content…

If we realize that a single teacher can give a class to hundreds of students at the same time when see the advantage of reduce the cost and facilities that a normal class should have. Resources are the main reason why classroom learning should be replace, Production cost will be reduce from the schools and student have to pay a lower price.

Education should be open for any person doesn´t matter their origin, economic status or personal preferences. With this idea I believe that online classes are the best way to learn because it can take in anyplace, free lo learn and a minimum resources, that’s why I agree with distance learning and online computer classes should replace classroom learning. In the last years with the growing technologies and communications facilities take distance classes has become an practice method lo learn, any specific class can be taking from any place in the world wide only with the correct computer and internet connection these give you the opportunity to learn about topics that in other way it could be difficult or impossible to take. These advantages it should help de undeveloped countries inviting the people with low resources to try and has educational experiences. The number of classes and topics you can find online is significantly major compared with classroom classes could be given in a school. In order to find interested topics and classes, students could find a bigger options and opportunities to

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