
Ona The Cloud Rider Essay

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The characters I am comparing is Ona from “Ona The Cloud Rider” by Stuart Baum and Margot from “All Summer In A Day” by Ray Bradbury. In all summer in a day, a girl named Margot was born on Earth, but got shipped to Venus because there were too many people living on Earth (My guess). Margot goes to school on Venus and on that day, the scientists were predicting that that day the sun will come out for 2 hours. At school, Margot and her classmates were learning all about the sun and Margot made a poem about the sun. William made fun of Margot because he didn't believe that the sun will come out so when their teacher wasn't looking, William and all the other students push Margot in a closet. Then, the sun came out and everyone was so happy and …show more content…

In “Ona the cloud rider” by Stuart Baum, it is about a girl named Ona, she lives on a big hill in Utah and she lives with the clouds. Sometimes she brings plastic cups and granola bars and they fall out of the cloud because she doesn't hold on to them tightly and the same thing happens when she brings frogs on the cloud(s). The next day Ona goes to school and her teacher Miss. Green teaches about clouds, one of the kids asked Miss. Green if you can stand on the clouds. Miss. Green doubts it, but Ona says that it is possible. Ona says that it is possible to stand on the cloud(s). Then Michael B. asks Ona if she would take him to ride on the cloud(s) the next time she went and Ona said yes. She was happy that someone actually believed her. The next day Michael B’s mom comes with Michael B for a playdate and, Ona and Michael B. went outside. They started riding on the clouds. Along the way, Michael B. got very scared and when they made it to Mount Danny Lion, they jumped off the cloud. Ona lost Micheal B. went she didn't look where Micheal B. was going so she went to find him. When Ona finally found Micheal B., she saw that he was crying because he was

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