The characters I am comparing is Ona from “Ona The Cloud Rider” by Stuart Baum and Margot from “All Summer In A Day” by Ray Bradbury. In all summer in a day, a girl named Margot was born on Earth, but got shipped to Venus because there were too many people living on Earth (My guess). Margot goes to school on Venus and on that day, the scientists were predicting that that day the sun will come out for 2 hours. At school, Margot and her classmates were learning all about the sun and Margot made a poem about the sun. William made fun of Margot because he didn't believe that the sun will come out so when their teacher wasn't looking, William and all the other students push Margot in a closet. Then, the sun came out and everyone was so happy and …show more content…
In “Ona the cloud rider” by Stuart Baum, it is about a girl named Ona, she lives on a big hill in Utah and she lives with the clouds. Sometimes she brings plastic cups and granola bars and they fall out of the cloud because she doesn't hold on to them tightly and the same thing happens when she brings frogs on the cloud(s). The next day Ona goes to school and her teacher Miss. Green teaches about clouds, one of the kids asked Miss. Green if you can stand on the clouds. Miss. Green doubts it, but Ona says that it is possible. Ona says that it is possible to stand on the cloud(s). Then Michael B. asks Ona if she would take him to ride on the cloud(s) the next time she went and Ona said yes. She was happy that someone actually believed her. The next day Michael B’s mom comes with Michael B for a playdate and, Ona and Michael B. went outside. They started riding on the clouds. Along the way, Michael B. got very scared and when they made it to Mount Danny Lion, they jumped off the cloud. Ona lost Micheal B. went she didn't look where Micheal B. was going so she went to find him. When Ona finally found Micheal B., she saw that he was crying because he was
“The Metaphor,” by Budge Wilson tells the story of a shy and embarrassed middle-schooler, turned beautiful and confident high-schooler. As Charlotte reflects on her time as an adolescent, she remembers one of her favorite English teacher who was tragically killed. Miss Hancock inspired Charlotte in more ways than one, which is why it is understandable that she felt a great deal of guilt after she was killed. Although the story does not clarify, it is quite clear that Miss Hancock’s death was not a coincidence. The school bus that takes her life was symbolic of her failures as a teacher, which affected her deeply towards the end of her life. In Miss Hancock’s case, it was what she loved the most that ended up taking the most from her.
The characters in The Haunting of the Sunshine Girl have similar personalities to one another. Sunshine’s character seems a little dull. Besides her luiseach power Sunshine Griffith could be considered as a stereotypical nerd character; quiet, smart, and unlike other people. It could be hard for the readers to connect with the main character on a personal level because the author has failed to describe Sunshine’s unique personality. Most characters in this novel have some stereotypical features, but they all have a surprising characteristic to them. Most characters followed the luiseach journey along with Sunshine from the beginning, and were there to help her. Sunshine’s classmate, Nolan, was Sunshine’s partner throughout the discovery of Sunshine’s powers. He was labelled as her protector through this journey. They discovered most secrets together. Readers would have assume that their teacher,
When the class sang songs about happiness and games her lips barely moved.” Margot ignored the other children, the only time she participated was when an activity mentioned the sun. Margot keeps herself apart from the rest of the class while she talks about experiences with the sun, when that is what the kids want the most. Although Margot’s classmates hurt her because of their jealousy, Margot was also partly to blame for since she keeps mentioning something that her classmates has always wanted.
An epigraph is used to introduce themes and concerns. In the epigraph above the themes include angels (spirituality), gather (family) and river (water). The prologue constantly focuses on these three themes and they each have their own individual representations and meanings.
In the Diary of Anne Frank, the two characters I chose to compare and contrast are Mrs. Frank and Mrs. Van Daan. These two ladies are similar and different in many ways. They are both middle aged women that live in Amsterdam. When the Holocaust began in 1939, Mrs. Frank and Mrs. Van Daan moved into the secret Annex with their families.
Cloudstreet Besides providing an interesting story line, texts may portray attitudes and values connected with many aspects of the society in which they were written or represent. This is the case in the novel, Cloudstreet, in which values and attitudes of Australian life are presented in the story of two families sharing one house. The author, Tim Winton, may have directed these attitudes and values at the Australian society to provide the people involved within, an understanding of themselves and their culture, and also make an attempt at pushing his own interpretation of them. In Cloudstreet, Winton has effectively used the role of the woman and the man to express more modern attitudes and values of Australian life. Lester
They live in a stressful situation, but both hold it firm and lived through it. Their stories had taught a new generation a lesson that life was not easy as thought. Sometime it could be difficult to manage like both characters’ lives happened in the story. They were not crazy, but they were strong enough to live through their stress. Life sometime is unpredictable, but learning how to understand of the change could be a tool helping us to challenge our
Everyone needs someone to lead them down the right path and to teach them about the “real world”. For example, The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd is about a 14 year old girl named Lily who runs away from home with her black “nanny” Rosaleen. Looking for more information on her mother, Deborah, they end up in Tiburon, South Carolina at the Boatwright sisters’ house. August, May, and June Boatwright allow Lily and Rosaleen to stay so they can earn some money and during their stay May teaches Lily some very important life lessons. May is a pivotal character because she helped Lily’s development by teaching her that the world is an unjust and unpredictable place and that there are always positive outcomes that come out of suffering.
Margot gets treated cruelly by those in her class because they are envious of where she’s from and her knowledge, or experience. Margot is nine years old, living on the planet Venus, where she moved from Earth, when she was four years old. Margot is the only kid in her class the remembers the sun and this makes all the other kids envious of her because when the other kids saw the sun they were only two years old but Margot was four which makes them jealous. When Margot was talking about the scientist predicting the sun would come out one of the boys said, “‘All a joke… let’s put her in a closet before the teacher comes back!’” (Bradbury 3). The kids are so envious or jealous of Margot that they want to lock her in a closet, right before the sun is supposed to come out because they don’t believe it is. When the sun finally came out the children rush outside to enjoy nature and the sun,
To begin, the author shows that the harassment Margot goes through is due to the children’ lack of knowledge about the sun since they have spent their whole life on Venus. Throughout the day, Margot brings back memories of the sun.
The story is mainly comprised of comparisons, metaphors and similes that tie into the ironic situations Baby finds herself in. Comparisons and contrasts are used to illustrate the different influences in Baby’s life.
The poem “Saturday’s Child” and the book The Secret Life of Bees have many things in common. In “Saturday’s Child” Countee Cullen uses the personification of death and imagery to portray the loss of innocence, which relates to Lily Owens in The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd.
The development topic of empathy is shown in Chapter Two. Empathy is the ability to understand the emotions and concerns of another person. In this chapter Maya describes a time when she was five and her Uncle Willie was not using his cane and trying to stand up straight as two travelers were in the store. In the book Maya explains how her uncle is tired of being disabled and just for that moment he wanted to appear normal. Maya narrates how she, “understood and felt closer to him at that moment than ever before”. Maya is in the psychological development of early childhood and has started to develop moral emotions from her increase in social experiences between her family and the customers of the store. Maya at the age of five comprehends
Internet banking is the act of conducting financial intermediation on the internet. It includes offering of information and selected services through the World Wide Web by banks and other financial service firm. For those who are quite new to the concept of online banking, this type of service offered by banks actually works the same way as traditional banking. The major difference lies in the convenience offered by online banking particularly when it comes to making payments, obtaining updated information of the account, or merging account statements. Rather than personally visiting the local bank, customer can now access their account and perform bank transactions using the computer. At the comfort and
Wrongful convictions happen when innocent people are found guilty in criminal trials, or when people are pressured into confessing to crimes they did not commit to evade the death penalty or extreme sentences. These false convictions are a terrible injustice that can demolish a person's life while letting a guilty person be free. The acts of false convictions have not gone unnoticed by the legal system. The amount of these cases have motivated awareness and projects that help free wrongfully convicted prisoners. More than fifty percent of the states do not legally offer compensation for people that have to endure this injustice. While the number of states that do provide reimbursement has risen in the past years, there are more than just financial problems facing these people. New compensation laws give health and restorative services along with cash compensation. These convictions have become a big problem in America, and all the people that experience this issue deserve guidance and support to restore their life.