
Operation and War Sustainment

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Introduction War finds success and failures inescapably linked to how well Combined, Joint, and Multinational Commander conducts sustainment planning and links the products to his strategic, operational and tactical objectives. Operation OVERLORD provides an excellent case study as large scale and complex example synchronizing, coordinating, and integrating the logistics capabilities of the civilian industry, Joint and Coalition forces ultimately leading to the Defeat of Germany. The purpose and definition of Joint Sustainment as well it’s imperatives are described below in detail, as well as the planning for Operation OVERLORD related to these imperatives.

Joint Sustainment, Imperatives, and Principles Joint Publication 3.0 entitled Joint Operations, defines the Sustainment Function as “the provision of logistics and personnel services necessary to maintain and prolong operations through mission accomplishment and redeployment of the force.” Joint Publication 4-0 goes on further to say “Effective joint logistics planning identifies future requirements and proposes solutions; it requires joint logisticians to understand the commander’s intent and concept of operations (CONOPS).” (JP 4-0 p. 57) Logisticians use seven principals in their planning whether at the strategic, operational, or tactical level of war to ensure the operations are logistically supportable. These principles are responsiveness, simplicity, flexibility, economy, attainability, sustainability, and

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