
Operational Strategies That Management May Use to Respond to Influences on Operations

Decent Essays

Operations refers to the transformation of raw materials(inputs) into finished products(outputs). The operations process is one of the key business functions and is a crucial component to business success. Like every business, Qantas is affected by many internal and external influences requiring it to have effective strategies to respond to these influences. Businesses that are able to adopt and utilise effective operational strategies are able to quickly adapt and either reduce or take advantage of these influences that impact the business. The effectiveness of these strategies can measured by Qantas’ performance and whether or not it is able to hold it’s competitive advantage. How well these strategies respond to the influences on …show more content…

By outsourcing, Qantas is able to significantly reduce costs and maintain it’s competitive advantage. However this advantage also has a draw back, hundreds of engineers have also been cut from their jobs and have had their jobs given to people overseas. This puts a bad reputation on the name of the business as an Australian business will cut jobs from Australian workers and supple foreign workers with jobs. Families and friends of these workers may feel resentment towards Qantas and choose to travel with another airline instead resulting in a loss of customers. This strategy has been effective in reducing cost but has resulted in a reduction of quality and safety and led to a decreased business reputation resulting in a loss of customers and stakeholders.

Another strategy that Qantas has used to respond to globalisation is through product differentiation. Qantas maintained it’s competitive advantage by providing a service which was unique and different to those of it’s competitor. Qantas was known for having ‘the best safety record of any airline in the world’. The airline was also ‘true-blue’ Australian and was Australian owned. This made the business different and attracted customers towards Qantas giving it a competitive edge over it’s foreign competition. Following the deregulation of Qantas, the business has started to lose sight of what it really was. The business has recently decided to implement another

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