
Opposing Arguments Against Animal Testing

Decent Essays

Have you ever had a sick relative? If so, have they used medication to help with said illness? Well that medication had to have come from somewhere. Animal testing has help conduct products such as vaccines for smallpox, hypothermia, and other major diseases. Now take into consideration what might have happened to that relative without the medication. As you can tell, animal testing has a positive impact on society, despite what might be claimed to be unjust. I will be explaining why this is so, and how some of the arguments are irrelevant.
For starters, this form of study hasn’t affected any mainstream and/or “useful” animal. Animals which aren’t used in livestock or other purposes are avoided, as well as animals with short life spans being detected. In addition to this, there are laws that help prevent animals injuries, or in extreme cases death. The Health Research Act of 1895 prevents any animal cruelty, or unnecessary testing. It also prevents experiments for cosmetics, or anything else that isn’t a necessity for mankind. To top this all off, any animal that isn’t used is let free, …show more content…

Initially you might believe that animals have moral rights. Animals tested are don’t even have the mental capacity to comprehend different objects, let alone what they’re going through. They just have similar features of a human, which outside of this scenario would be completely useless. Another argument might be how testing doesn’t have guaranteed results, but hurts organisms in the process. While this is true, testing has an 83.7% success rate, while taking in consideration animals that were too weak to live past a few hours. Taking note of how only a few hundred animals are tested on a year, that 16.3% is a minimal amount. This is all for the better of humans, and even animals. After all, animal products are created off of these tests too. The death of a few animals, is better for us, and the rest of

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