
Organizational Development Is A Good Reputation For Its Product Performance

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Organizational Development is a system that is developed from wide range of scientific actions that is used by organizations to solve any issues in order to become successful. Additionally, Organizational Development is used as a to address and analyze the organizations strength, weaknesses, opportunities or threats. Once the company has identified its issues, Organizational Development is used as a business strategy to achieve such goals, which includes product quality, sales growth and customer relations. According to the textbook, “Organizational Development is a system-wide application… behavioral science knowledge to the planned development, improvement and reinforcement, strategies…that leads to organization effectiveness.” (Cummings, Worley, 2015) Skoda was a small foreign car company from Czechoslovakia. The company had suffered from a decrease within the market share. The company became partners with other brands like Volkswagen and Audi to seek a strong foreign partner due to hard economic time. The company has a good reputation for its products quality and reliability. The company would like to improve its product performance, however, the company goal was to establish a brand new image within the current market. In order to establish this goal, the company has decided to conduct a SWOT analysis along with conducting several researches. The company first took action by identifying factors by using SWOT analysis. The company then used information from SWOT

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