
Essay Organizational Profile: the Salvation Army

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Running head: ORGANIZATIONAL PROFILE: THE SALVATION ARMY 1 Organizational Profile: The Salvation Army ETH/316 ORGANIZATIONAL PROFILE: THE SALVATION ARMY The Salvation Army’s ethical and moral responsibility to the community stems back in history from its framework to the organization. “William Booth embarked on his ministerial profession in 1852, desiring to win the disoriented multitudes of England to Christ. He walked 2 the streets of London to advocate the gospel of Jesus Christ to the needy” (2011) Booth discarded the conservative notion of their churches and its platforms, which the churches based their beliefs on; instead he took his idea to the people. His commitment led to the dispute with church leaders in London, …show more content…

In 1878, the organization called “The Salvation Army” first arrived in the United States located in Pennsylvania. As the Great Depression hit in 3 the united states, the salvation army served as being one of the greatest nonprofit organizations to aid in food, clothing, and shelter for those who were in need throughout all of America. “Today, the Salvation Army still operates in more than 75 countries around the globe. Including more added hospitals, donation centers, disaster services, rehabilitation centers, community centers, and thousands of voluntary contributions centers not only in America but throughout the world” (, 2012). The Salvation Army prides in providing millions of families that are less fortunate with essentials that everyday middle class families take for granted. In addition, this action allows middle class people within their own community to open their hearts and give what they can, be little or nothing; would create a gigantic difference to those who are less fortunate. Throughout the centuries, the Salvation Army continues to a successful organization because they have the ability to provide a helping hand to everyone that is in need. The Salvation Army creates a gateway to wholehearted people who desire to help others less fortunate. The

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