
Outline For Animal Testing Essay

Decent Essays

Argumentative Outline

Thesis Statement:
Although animals are an important part of humans lives, they deserve rights from exploitation and suffering caused by humans for the purpose of testing, entertainment, and human consumption.

Animals deserve rights to be free of testing.
Animal testing is unethical.
Each year over 100 million animals are killed in the United States. They were killed for biology lessons, medical training, experimentation, and testing for chemical, drug, food, and cosmetics. The U.S. allows animals to be burned, shocked, poisoned, isolated, starved, drowned, addicted to drugs, and brain-damaged. All experimentations are allowed and pain medicine is not required. …show more content…

Most, in which, endure great amounts of suffering caused by mistreatment, neglect, and abuse from factory workers. Animals raised for the purpose of food have the least amount of protection of any animal class in North America, and 95% of animals in research facilities are excluded from the Animal Welfare Act (AWA), which also gives just only minimal protection to the other 5%. People tend to claim they are animal lovers and are against animal cruelty but yet they buy products that include animals in some way, like food or accessories, which pays other people who abuse, exploit, and mistreat animals. Animal cruelty needs to be rid of completely with the help of animal rights, which will then teach the human race about actions that are morally wrong to do against animals. While animal rights do exist, they do not protect all animals in all cases and are sometimes overruled in court. Although animals are an important part of humans lives, they deserve rights from exploitation and suffering caused by humans for the purpose of testing, entertainment, and human

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